Ch. 22: Aconite

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"Teacher McCall!"

I'm gathering my things for winter break when I'm stopped by Bobby. I look at him as he rushes to me.

"Yes, Bobby?"

"I need you to help me with the winter formal. Greenberg got Mr. Daniels sick so I need a fill in chaperone."

"Sure. I can do it." I smile as I think of the beautiful dress I can pick out. "I'll just need to find someone to watch Angel..."

"Who's Angel?"

"My son..."

We both are giving each other confused looks as we stand in the empty hall. I finally smile before patting his shoulder as I walk away.

"See y'a there, Bobby.."

"If you don't find a babysitter, you could always dress him up and bring him."

"That's a last resort for me..."

I mumble as I walk down the hall, towards the exit with some of my things in a few bags.

"Bye Bobby!"

"Bye, Teacher McCall!"

"It's Ana!"


It's after eleven, I'm sat on the couch with Angel asleep next to me. I'm watching a cartoon that has a group of teens saving the world, like that's normal. My phones on the table in front of me, and a bowl of popcorn is in my lap.

As I'm laughing at something one of the characters said, I hear my phone start to go off. I reach forward, grabbing it before it wakes the sleeping angel beside me.


I get up and head to my room, quietly answering the phone.

"It's me. Can you come to the clinic? I need that aconite bullet you told me about. Scott's been shot."

I almost drop my phone at his words. I take a breath and pull myself together as I walk to the box of jackets that I still haven't went through. I open it and grab the first one, not even paying attention to which one it is. I grab a pair of random shoes and the bullet from my bedside table.

"I'm on my way."


I walk out the door, seeing a half awake eight-year old on the couch.


"Angel, hunny I need you to put on your shoes and your jacket, okay?"

He nods as he walks to the hooks where his bag and jacket is for school, grabbing his jacket and sleepily putting it on. He slips on his boots and grabs the blanket he dropped, wrapping it back around him as I grab my keys and shut off the lights and tv.

"Let's go!"


I walk into the animal clinic, finding most of the lights off except for the ones in the back. I rush to the back, seeing my brother laying on a metal table as Deaton stands over him.

"Here..." I rush over, handing him the bullet that I took from Kate Argent when Derek was shot. "How is he?"

"I found him just in time..." he's disinfecting tools and scalpels, preparing to remove the bullet. "Might need to take this out of his paycheck..."

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