Ch. 99: Realization

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"Isaac Layhey?"

"Are you family?"

I'm alone after Derek decided to take the kids home. He left just five minutes ago, taking my car and promising to keep them safe. I'm still not sure if I made the right choose with that.


"Then no."

I feel my anger spike as I grip the counter before me, staring the nurse down. She goes back to what she was doing, shifting through papers that sit before her.

"I need to see him."

"You're not family-"

"He doesn't have any!?! All, and I mean all, of his family is dead!?!"

She stares at me, seeming to understand as she sighs. She folds her hands together, looking up at me in a different light.

"I'm sorry...I wish I could do something...but unless you're family, I can't let you see him...."

I look down, squeezing my eyes shut as I feel helpless. All I can think about is him being alone...scared and alone...

"Please...I'm his teacher...I'm the one he came to when his father died...let me see him...please..."

My voice cracks, showing how much this means to me as my hands shake and my eyes tear up. She sighs, shaking her head sadly as my shoulders sag. The only way for me to get to him is if I broke the law...and that's not the best idea at the moment.

"I'm sorry...only family..."

My face hardens again, anger coursing through me as someone walks up. I don't pay mind to who it is, to focused on finding an alternative way to get to Isaac.

"Excuse me...I need to speak with Isaac Layhey..."

My head snaps up, looking at one of the last people on my mind. Raphael stands there, in his usual suit as he holds out his badge. The nurse sighs, standing as she looks at us both.

"Look...He's still unconscious. No one will be able to see or speak to him until he wakes up....and honestly, we're not sure when that is."

"Can I at least speak with his doctor? Find out his condition?"

Raphael asks, his hands on his hips. The nurse clears her throat, a small blush creeping onto her tan cheeks. Raphael smiles, glancing my way before clearing his throat with a straight face again.

"Sure. Let me get the doctor...."

"Thank you..."

I feel my eyes roll as she scurries off to get the doctor like I asked an hour ago. Raphael goes to speak as a slightly familiar woman in a doctors coat walks up, a large smile on her face.

"Anastasia McCall, right? Melissa's daughter?"


I clear my own throat, forcing a small smile as she holds out her hand. I shake it, hiding my shakiness as I grip her cold hand tight. Raphael is still beside me, once again ignored.

"I'm Dr. Montgomery-Scott..."she returns her hand to her pocket as she continues introducing herself. "The Attending O.B. here. Your mom said you needed to set up an appointment?"

Damn it...

"Yeah...uh...t-that's not why I'm here..."

"Okay. Well here's my card..." she pulls out an information card, offering me a small smile as she hands it to me. "Call when you are ready! should be as soon as possible so we can get you set up with prenatal vitamins if you choose to take that route."

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