Ch. 20: History...

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"Are you sure? It's just a high school lacrosse game..."

We just finished dinner, heading for his car again. I told him about the game earlier and he suggested we go. Now, I don't know if I'm grateful or regretful of my decision.

"It's your brother's game, right? And you said that Angel was there..."

"Yeah...but if you don't want to go, we don't have too..."

"Are you kidding? I used to play lacrosse myself. Of course it wasn't as popular that you make it out to be when I was in school...but I would love to watch a good match."

We both smile at each other as we get to the car. He opens the door for me before rushing around to get in the driver seat. He starts the vehicle and drives away.


I smile as I see my mom sitting on a bench, Angel's sleeping head on her lap as she claps for Scott. A blanket is wrapped around him, keeping him warm.

"Hey, mom!" I say as I walk up to her. "How's it going so far?"

"Ana! Dr. Griffin! How was the date?"

"Please, Melissa, it's after work hours. Call me Jasper." He smiles at my mom as we take a seat on her other side.

"How long has he been asleep?" I ask as I look at Angel, listening to his little snores.

"Oh...about..." she checks her watch, checking the time. "Ten minutes. One moment he's jumping up and down, cheering everyone on. The next, he's yawning and struggling to stay awake. I told him to wrap up with my blanket and to lay his head on my lap. He fell asleep instantly, even with all the yelling and cheering going on..."

"He must be tired.." I bite my lip as I look at him in worry. Is he okay?

My mom sees the look on my face, the worrying and questioning that I'm putting myself through.

"Don't worry. Scott used to do this all the time when we went to your volleyball and basketball games, okay?" She smiles as she rubs my shoulder, calming me down.

I exhale and relax, smiling at her before turning my attention to the game. I see my brother on the field, playing hard.

"Lets go, Scott!" I call and clap, seeing him look my way and wave before going back to the game.


After the game, I'm standing in the cold air, listening to my mom ramble about a few different patients. Angel's barely awake as he grips my leg, his eyes closed. Jasper had a phone call and said he'd be right back. He said he wanted to get away from the people who were moving all around us, trying to reach their vehicles to go home.

"I love when I see Mr. and Mrs. Smith, they always know how to put everyone in a good mood."


My shoulders stiffen as I turn to see a person I never wanted to ever see again. I cross my arms as I look her up and down.

"Katherine Argent." I dead pan, raising my eye brow at her. "If I knew you were in town..."

"You'd what? Run away?" She smirks as she steps closer.

Alison and Mr. Argent are behind her, looking confused. I grip onto Angel's back, not enough to hurt him, to keep me grounded.

"More like told the police to watch out. I do still have a thing for underage boys, right?"

"Hmmm...I sense that someone is not over high school..." she smirks as I roll my eyes. "Still heart broken?"

"Please. More like relieved. How were my sloppy seconds, anyway? I mean, I did let you have him..."

"Let? Don't you mean took? I took him and you could do nothing about it.."

"Except be grateful that he was gone..." I look at my nails, not showing her that she affects me. "It was more of a down grade anyways..."

She laughs, shaking her head as she steps closer. She gets closer to my face, keeping eye contact the whole time.

"Are you sure about that? Because if I remember correctly...he was calling my name, not yours."

I smirk, leaning in as well, not caring about what she said at all.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Kate. We all know you need it..." I point it to some wrinkles on her forehead as I smirk. "You got something there...."

She glares as I step back with a smirk. I wave and turn, Angel still gripping my leg as I move.

"Have a wonderful night!"

My mom is watching me with surprise as she follows me. I hear Alison ask about what just happened, Kate ignoring her as they walk away.

"What was that?" My mom asks as we stop near the entrance to the field, waiting for Jasper. "Do you know her?"

"Unfortunately, yes." I roll my eyes as I cross my arms again. "If you couldn't tell...we have history."

"Oh I could tell..." my mom shakes her head as she looks off into the distance. "What happened? You never said anything before you left..."

"It was a long time ago..." I say as I look at the night sky, seeing all the stars twinkling as I stand under it. "Long story short, I had a boyfriend who cheated on me with her...I was seventeen and she was twenty..."

"Oh, hunny..." my mom pushes forward, pulling me into a hug. "I didn't know..."

"Mom. It's not your fault...and it was a long time ago...I've moved on with my life..."

"I know..." she pulls away, a sad look on her face. "I just..."

Jasper walks up, a relieved look in his eyes. He relaxes as he walks up to us.

"I thought I blew it for a moment there..." he jokes as he smiles at us. "Sorry about Ex has an emergency and needs me to pick up Jack before I head home..."

"Okay...I think it's time to get this one to bed anyways..." I smile as I ruffle Angels hair.

He groans, not opening his eyes. I laugh a little as I shake my head, amused by his behavior.

"I agree. He's done for..." My mom smirks as she looks at him. "Let's go. You both can stay the night."

I go to pry his grip off of me, but he growls a little and grips harder. I shake my head as the other two adults laugh.

"I'll see you later...and bye Melissa! See you at work." Jasper says by to us both, his eyes on me the whole time.

He goes to walk away, looking back over his shoulder with a small smile as he does. I watch him go as I feel a breeze of cold air nip my nose, blowing my hair out of my face.

"Bye..." we watch him walk away. "I swear...if you don't go on a second date with him, I will."

We burst into laughter as we walk to her car.



Kate and Ana have history....

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Drink water!!!??!!!!?!!!?!!!!!!!!?!

-the author

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