Ch. 100: Night Walk

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"Derek! I'm back!"

I walk into the apartment, dropping my purse onto the entry table before continuing into the dark room. The kids should be sleeping as much as they can before school in an a few hours. Onyx walks up to me, brushing against my leg in greeting.


I bend and pick the kitty up before heading for the bedroom. I rub the furry head, humming as I pass the bathroom. The sound of water hitting the tile floor of the shower fills my ears, making me stop and glance towards the white door.

" in there?"

The water stops as Onyx jumps out of my arms and rushes off towards the cracked bedroom door that the kids are currently sleeping in. I sigh, looking back towards the bathroom as the door opens. Derek smiles at me, greeting me with a kiss while gripping a towel to his figure.

"Hey...did you see him?"

"No..." I sigh, continuing towards the bedroom as the freshly clean man follows me with silent foot steps. "They wouldn't let me because I'm not family..."


"I know..."

I plop down on the bed as Derek shuts the door behind him. My head hits my pillow, my arm covering my eyes as I huff. I hear shuffling around before Derek sits on the opposite side of the bed, moving to pull me to his chest. I sigh, relaxing almost immediately as he starts to rub my back.

"What else happened?"

"What makes you think something else happened?"

He pulls back, looking down to meet my eyes as he scoffs under his breath.

"I know you enough to know that when these..." he rubs my brows, making me realize how tight they are. "Are like this or when you're eyes are narrowed like they are....that something more has happened."

He gives me a look, silently telling me to spill. I huff, looking up at the ceiling as he pulls me closer.

"On top of Isaac and everything with dad found out about the baby."

"Your dad?" He sits up, his face hardening as he looks at me for confirmation that he heard me right. "The same dad that ran off when you were fourteen?"

"Yeah...he was standing next to me when the OB came up to talk to me about an appointment..." I exhale, covering my eyes again as I roll over to get comfortable. "I also somehow agreed to lunch with him next week..."


"Hence my mood..."

He exhales, reaching to turn off my lamp before covering us both up with the blanket. I kick my shoes and socks off, getting comfortable next to the living space heater beside me as my exhaustion comes back full spring.

"Get some sleep..."

I feel a kiss on my forehead as I drift off to la-la land, my limbs and eyes heavy.


I wake with a jump, sitting up fast as Derek groans beside me. I detach from his grip, standing and moving towards the door. I grab my jacket and sneakers, a pair of socks right after. I hear movement behind me as I move to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"For a walk...go back to sleep, okay?"

Derek stands, reaching for a pair of his jeans off the vanity chair. I sigh, looking towards the door before stepping back towards him.

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