Ch. 83: Distillery

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I stay where I am as I see and hear my brother walk in with the enemy. I trust him enough to stay where I am, waiting for my moment. I hear him sending a message to Jennifer while I stick to the darkness.

Time passes as I stay where I am, looking down on my brother and the man who has murdered hundreds. They stand up straighter as they see who I assume is is Jennifer herself. My face hardens as I see who is with her, watching them stand together against my brother.

"What are you doing?"

"This might be hard to believe...but I'm actually trying to help you..."

I narrow my eyes as I watch them talk, both believing they're right. The wind drowns out the rest of what they're saying as the alpha transforms into a deadly beast. Derek transforms, showing his blue eyes are no longer red. He rushes at the alpha, going to swipe with both hands as they're grabbed.

He struggles against the alpha as Jennifer steps forward, she goes to attack but all that happens is a little gust. The alpha laughs before grabbing both of them by the throats.I go to attack but stop when a memory flashes in my mind.

Something Eli once told me while training. He said something along the lines of studying and waiting...looking for the right moment to strike.

This moment can be the difference between winning a battle or losing it all...

I watch as Scott the alpha grabs Jennifer, pulling her towards Scott before ordering him to kill her. Scott doesn't, causing the alpha to growl out a loud roar. I struggle to stay in place as the building and machinery shakes around me.

I feel the lunar eclipse setting in as the alpha grabs Scott, pulling him closer to Jennifer. I see Derek stand up, moving to help as scot stops. He says something to the alpha before pulling something out of his pocket. I cover my eyes as the flashes fill the room, causing all of them to cover their eyes.

As they're all disoriented, the eclipse sets in completely. I jump down silently, creeping closer as Jennifer comes back. She rushes in, throwing Scott across the room before turning to the alpha. I rush forward, katanas drawn as I play a game of agility and endurance with the darak.

She goes to use the force on me as I flip out of the way of the blast. I currently don't have my abilities, but that's okay. I was trained not to rely on them, anyway.

I slash at her, not aiming to kill but distract. She screams as she gets fed up with my advances, using a force to throw me across the room. I land with a grunt as arms grab me. I look up, seeing a worried Derek checking me over. I go to stand when I see Jennifer slamming the guys head into the concrete over and over again.

Derek stands, yelling out as she stops. I stand with him, staring her down as he tries to reason with the murder. She reaches down, giving him his sight back before yelling at him to turn to her. I rush forward when she stumbles, watch as she falls to the ground.


"Healing him made you weak...just like healing Cora did to me."

Derek speaks as he watches her. I reach forward, grabbing her by the throat and hauling her up. I pull out a dagger and hold it against her throat.

"Let them go. Now."

She grunts before shoving me back, forcing me to land against a weak wooden crate. I grunt as I feel a piece stab my side, drawing blood. Scott rushes to me as Derek goes to attack. She slams his body into a piece of machinery, forcing his body against it over and over again.

Derek and I make eye contact as I struggle to get up, gripping my side as I move. Scott goes to stop me as I push him away, grunting as I stand up. I stagger forward, eyes hard as I reach in my belt and grabbing the knife I worked on for the twins. I use the last of my energy to throw it, imbedding it in her back. She stops, turning towards me with vengeance as I smirk. I hold up the button before pushing it, smiling as she withers in pain.

Sparks fly as she hits the ground, her face morphing from one to the other as she's electrocuted. I feel myself falling as arms catch me, laying me down gently. I look at Scott as he looks at my side, seeing a large piece of wood sticking out.

I feel the eclipse give way as Jennifer stops screaming, forcing the knife out with her powers. She goes to attack Derek again as he look up, blue eyes shining. She lol at him in fear as he speaks.

"Your fifteen minutes are up."

He shoves her across the room, forcing her to land in the hard floor. Scott and Derek both go to attack as I grip the piece of wood, pulling it out with a grunt. I feel the wound healing as I stand, turning and seeing Jennifer throwing a circle of mountain ash around herself.

"Like I said, Derek. It's either you or the parents. I guess I'll have to kill them now. In a few moments I'll be powerful enough that I won't need a lunar eclipse to kill even a demon wolf."

I watch as Scott puts his hands against the barrier pushing hard. I love forward, wanting to watch this up close. Jennifer smirks before speaking, being condescending as she does.

"You've already tried that...didn't have much luck last time, did you?"

"Come on can do it..."

I encourage him as he pushes forward. A blue light fills the room as he forces himself against the barrier. He becomes a blur as I he steps forward. Jennifer looks in fear as she steps back, covering her eyes as the barrier breaks. I cover my face before looking back up, seeing Jennifer laying on the ground as Scott stands over her.

"How did you do that?"

"I'm an alpha now...whatever you're doing with the storm, stop it now or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

The other alpha says something before stepping forward, slicing her the her throat as I watch. Scott pulls out his phone, calling someone as I turn towards Derek, checking on him as he does the same to me.

"You're okay..."

"So are you..."

I smile before reaching up and pulling him towards me, connecting our lips as he wraps his arms around my waist. We stay like that for a moment, focusing only on each other as we pour our heart out through the kiss.

We hear someone clear their throat from behind us. We pull apart, seeing Scott looking at us in both surprise and disgust. I see the other alpha behind him, looking at the body on the ground in triumph.

I smile at both Scott and Derek before walking towards the door, planning on going home.

"Wait...where at you going?"

"Home to my kids..."




Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the author

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