Ch. 47: Jailhouse Hostage Pt. 1

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I jump awake, finding myself in my bed, covered in dirt. I look around, seeing everything normal and in its place as I stand. I walk towards the kid's room, peering in and seeing them both still asleep.

I exhale as I make my way to the bathroom, preparing for a shower. I have no idea why I was needed for whatever ritual Lydia pulled, but I was going to find out.


When I was reading the other day, I found a passage about a supernatural researcher who wanted to find out remedies and effective offenses against the more extreme creatures. He's even credited for his research as science fiction and fantasy in the human world.

I dig through my books, looking for a certain one under the same researchers name. I remember seeing it the first time I went through this chest. It used to belong to a lone hunter who made the mistake of threatening a young wolf. I'm not proud of what I did that day, but I had to in order to save that kid.

The hunter had a van that he used to travel around, hunting down any creatures he can find. I found it about a mile away from his body, it's where I got most of my weapons from.

That was when I first left years ago. Since then, if I found a supernatural book or bestiary from any fallen pack or slain hunter, then I would add it to the collection. Now I have over a hundred books in my large, wooden chest.

I finally pull out the right one, opening it up to the chapter's I'm looking for. It wasn't hard, as the author wrote it as if it was an alphabetical guide for supernatural creatures. I open it to the K's, finding the Kanima page right there.

I read through it, eyes widening as I soak in the information. I reread it over and over again as I smile.

This is helpful...


Martin Victor, the author and researcher, found two possible remedies to the Kanima venom. One being created from the venom itself, and the other from the blood of a banshee.

I don't know if I know of any banshees, so I have to go with the former. The kids are still asleep so I walk back to my room. I can sense that something is happening, so I suit up and leap into the night.


I'm on a building, looking out into the night as I try and sense where to go. I hear a ringing coming from my belt, alerting me of an incoming call.

I look at it confused as I see Scott's name. I answer it, throwing on a tired voice.

"Scott? Why are you calling me? It's 2:14 in the morning..."

"Ana? Can you come to the police station? There's something you need to see..."


"I'll tell you when you get here...just hurry, okay?" He exhales before hanging up.

I sigh as I head to the police department, taking the Batman route.


I get to the police station, landing on the roof with a soft 'thump'. I walk towards the vents. I slip in heading inside undetected.

I hold back a gasp as I see dead bodies everywhere, blood splattered on the wall from their brutal deaths. I pull out my katanas, slipping against the wall as I creep down the hall.

I can hear voices coming from a room ahead, all male and all familiar.

"That's right! I've learned a few things!'s like a freaking Halloween party every full moon."

Matt? He's the one controlling Jackson?

"Except for you, Stiles...what do you turn into?"

"Abominable's more of a winter time know, seasonal..."

I close my eyes as I hold back a sigh, Stiles is definitely the most sarcastic person I've ever met...

I hear grunts and calls of distress, causing me to peek around the corner. Stiles falls on top of a paralyzed Derek, both of them not very happy about their situation.

"Oh! I don't know Derek! I think you two make a pretty good pair."

I hold back a laugh as I listen to this deranged boy. He continues in a low, threatening tone.

"It must kinda suck, though. To have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut on the back of your neck...I bet you aren't used to feeling this helpless."

Okay...this kid needs a few hundred hour of therapy....

"Still got some teeth...why don't you come a little closer, huh? Find out just how helpless I am..."

"Yeah, bitch"

I smirk at the two laying on the floor, finding their comments hilarious. Just then, a car is heard pulling up. I look up, hearing the brakes squeak a little as it breaks like a car I know very well.

"Is that your mom? Or maybe your sister?"

Scott looks up at Matt, an angry and scared look in his eyes.

"Do what I say and I won't hurt them. I won't even allow Jackson near them."

"Scott, don't trust him!"

I grip my weapons tighter as I watch Matt grab Stiles, rolling him onto his back and putting his foot on his chest. I hold myself back from running forward, but I need to be smarter than that. I'm dealing with more than just one enemy.

I keep my eyes on Jackson as he stands there, watching everything. I exhale as Matt takes his foot off of Stiles, allowing him to breathe.

"You." He points at Jackson. "Take them in there."

He points in my direction, not seeing me through the crack in the door. I silently move back, slipping into a cabinet big enough for me to fit in.

I hear Jackson drag Stiles and Derek into the room before leaving. I slip out, silently moving across the room to the door before closing it softly.

I hear stiles freak out a little as he sees me, his heartbeat skyrocketing. I flip around, putting my finger to my lips in a way of silencing him. I move forward, drawing a dagger as I move towards them.

"Oh, god...what is this? Am I gonna die to a weird ninja lady?"

I ignore him as I lean down, using my dagger to scrape up some of the venom from the kanima. I stand, grabbing a bottle from my belt to store it.

I hear a gunshot ring through the air, my head snapping towards the noise. I silently creep towards the door, gently cracking it to look into the hall. I watch as Matt forces my mom and a bleeding Scott towards the back, where the cells are.

I gently close the door again, moving back towards the two laying on the ground. Derek is glaring at me as I slip the vile back into my belt.

When I hear footsteps heading our way, I slip back into my hiding place unnoticed.



Matt just needed therapy honestly....

Have an amazing day or night!!!!!

Drink water!!!?!!?!

-the Author

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