Ch. 25: Informality

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"Teacher McCall!"

I walk into the gym, a smile on my face as I spit Bobby helping with the set up. I see a few students who're part of the comity hanging lights and blowing up balloons.

"Hey, Bobby! How's everything coming?"

"Okay so far..." he stops and looks me up and down, his eyes wide. "Wow! You are definitely going to with prom queen...."

"Bobby, I'm a teacher! As well as this is not prom, just the winter formal..."

"I know.. I just love that dress..."

"Thank you! Angel, my foster kid, picked it out.."

"He definitely picked a good one..."

"Ms. McCall!" I turn to Danny, who is holding a couple lights. "Would you help me? I don't know what to do with these..."

"Yes, of course..."


Music blasts as teenagers dance around me, having the time of their life. I sip my punch, keeping my eyes out as they scan the dark room.

I see a few of my students dancing with their dates, laughing as they spin around. I smile at all the happy faces, not having a care in the world. I see Danny dancing across the room, Greenberg failing at break dancing in the middle of the room, and Erika being a wallflower in a dark corner on my far left.

I shake my head as sip my drink again, focusing on the beats that are flowing through the air.

I hear coach yelling from across the gym, causing heads to turn in his direction. I laugh as I see Scott Rushing past students to get away from Bobby. I hold back my laughter as he forces Danny to dance with him, sipping my drink as I watch my idiot brother.

"McCall!? You're not supposed to-"

Bobby stops as he notices that Scott's dancing with Danny. He struggles to find the right words as everyone stops dancing, the music cutting off as everyone stares at him.

He awkwardly laughs as he tries to salvage the situation, badly explaining what he was trying to say. Eventually he gives up, telling everyone to dance before storming off.

He makes his way towards me as I hold back my laughter. He comes up to me, taking my drink and downing it in one gulp. I stare at him in disbelief as he looks at the cup in disappointment.

"I wish this was spiked..."

"Go ask Greenberg..I saw him filling glasses up earlier."

"I'd rather die."

I bust out laughing as I shake my head at him. The music starts up again as people go back to dancing.

"What the hell you looking at, Greenberg?!" Coach yells as he looks to our left.

I laugh more as I see him mumbling to himself.

"Don't worry, Bobby!  At least you didn't have to deal with me!" I smile t him. "I was, by far, the worst McCall sibling...I used to mud wrestle and pull pranks on unsuspecting victims...Scott's just stupid."

"That helps. Thank you." His voice is hollow and his eyes are dead, emphasizing the sarcasm slipping from his mouth. "I'll be sure to tell myself that when I rethink all of my life choices over a nice bottle a bourbon..."

"Now, now, know that I can't help what my brother does..." I look over at my brother dancing with Alison, smiles on both of their faces. "Only enjoy the wonderful show that is 'Scott's dumbest ideas'!"

He just glares at me again, holding up the empty glass to take a drink. He remembers that it's empty and stares off into nothing, contemplating his life choices.

"Would you get me another? You kinda stole mine..."

I knock him into reality, bringing him back to the present as he nods before walking away. I giggle before looking back out at the kids, watching as they dance the night away.


I'm outside, looking for any stragglers who have decided they would try and get lucky, some way or another. I see a couple making out in a dark corner. I walk over, clearing my breath.

They jump apart, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Don't you two think you should go back inside?"

"Y-yes, Ms. McCall!"

I watch as the two girls fix their coats, rushing to get away from me. As I go to go in, I hear a voice yelling not far from me.

I can tell by the pitch that's it's a female, most likely a student, so I begin to follow it. As I get closer, I notice that it's Lydia Martin calling for Jackson.

Heading for the field, she continues to call out for Jackson as she walks. I grip my coat, having an uneasy feeling as I catch up to her.

Suddenly, the field lights turn on, causing me to look up in surprise. I pick up my pace, my heart racing as I get closer to the field. I hear rushed footsteps coming from my left, heading in the same direction as I am.

"Lydia! Run!?" I hear Stiles yell as I make it to the field.

I see Peter bite Lydia, pushing her to the ground as she passes out. I freeze, not knowing what to do as I slip into the darkness. I see both men bend down, stiles is frantic as Peter growls.

I keep my ears toned in. On Lydia's heartbeat, making sure that she was okay as I watch her. I gulp as I watch Peter threaten stiles for Derek's location. They leave, leaving Lydia in the center of the field. I rush over, checking her wounds before taking off my coat.

"Lydia? Can you hear me?"

She doesn't react in any way as I continue to check her out. I wrap her up in my coat as I hear someone approaching.

"Lydia?! Is she okay?!" I look up at Jackson, seeing a distraught look.

"I need you to pick her up and take her to the gym. Call an ambulance and get her help. I need to go. Stiles is in trouble."


"Just do it!?"

He listens and bends down to grab Lydia before taking off, dropping my coat in the process. I grab it, rushing to my car.

I rush to change, putting on my suit before rushing to the one place that my gut told me to go.



Just one more chapter and we'll be done with season one!!!!

Drink water!!!!?!!?!!?!!!?!

-the author

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