Ch. 12: Idiots pt. 2

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I creep through the halls, silently making my way to the sound of voices. I hear a growl in the distance as I silently move down the halls.

I'm still in my normal clothes, wanting to seem oblivious to the supernatural when the time comes for me to announce my presence.

I hear someone up ahead, screaming. I rush towards the sound, but stop as I see Scott and Stiles running down the hall ahead of me. I follow them, seeing them heading to the back exit that I was going to use when I was done.

They hit it full speed, barely moving it. I slow to a stop, silently moving behind lockers to see what's happening. They continue to throw their bodies at the doors, trying to open them. Scott pokes his head outside, seeing what's wrong.

"It's a dumpster!?"


"He put it there to lock us in."

"Help me push it!?" Stiles continues to throw his body at the door, desperate to get out. "Come on!?"

"Stiles...Stiles!?" Scott grabs his arm, pulling him away. "Let's go."

They turn and start to walk my way. I slip into the door behind me, quietly moving out of sight. They walk past, not noticing me at all.

"I'm-I'm not dying here, Not dying in School!?"

"We're not dying in school..."

" do you know?!"

"Because he's after me...Derek said that we're stronger in a pack..."

They continue to move away, talking with each other as I stay where I am. I can barely make out what they're saying now, not wanting to stain my abilities yet. I hear glass breaking as the boys run by, going to the stair well and running down. I creep out, not wanting to alert anyone of my presence as I make my way down the hall again.

I feel a need to head to the pool, sensing someone else here.


I make it to the pool, hearing a phone ring. I look in, seeing Alison walking down the center walk way in between the pools. I hear her pick it up, talking to someone. She hangs up as she goes to walk away. Her phone goes off, signaling another phone call.

She picks it up, saying something to who I think is Stiles. I can hardly make out what he's saying but I hear 'lobby' and slip away, heading there.


I hear movement above me as I make it to the lobby. I walk in, seeing Scott and Stiles talking to Alison.

Show time...

"Lydia and Jackson are here too?!"

"Scott? What're you doing here?!"

All three of their heads snap to me, looks of fear and shock on all three.

"Ana?!" Scott's voices squeaks as he says my name.

Just then Lydia and Jackson come through the opposite doors. I cross my arms as I see them.

"Good. You found them. Can we go know?"

"You all are aware that it's way past school hours, right? That this is breaking and entering?"

All five pairs of eyes snap to me at my words, Lydia and Jackson just now noticing me. They both gulp as if not knowing what to do. Just as Stiles goes to speak, something large crawls over us, in the ceiling.


Scott grabs Alison and my hands, running the way I came. He pulls us into a classroom, locking the doors.

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