Ch. 28: bunk beds

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I'm on my way to my mom's desk, a bowl of fajitas that Angel made with Ms. Pearl in my hands. I pass by Lydia's room, looking inside and seeing her pale face. I stop, sensing out the question I need answered.

I don't smell a change in her blood, neither death nor the transition. I've been around both and know the smells very well. I narrow my eyes as I look at her, my questions not being answered.

"It's sad isn't it?" I flip around, seeing Jasper standing there. "Hey..."

"Hey..." I look back at Lydia, gulping as I envision the night of the formal.

"Do you know her?"

"Yeah...she's one of my students..."

"Oh sh- I'm sorry..."

"This kind of stuff happens...we just never think that it'll be us or anyone we know and care about..."


"I have to go..." I hold up the food, as I go to walk around him. "My mom's dinner is probably getting cold..."

"Wait..we never set up a second date...I wanted to see if you wanted to-"

"Jasper, this really has nothing to do with you; and I actually mean that unlike when people actually say it and mean the opposite; but I just really don't have the time right now...I would love to but I-"

"I understand...maybe another time..." he gulps as he tries to smile.

"Yeah! I would love too!" I rush off, glancing over my shoulder at him as I walk away.


"Mhmmm! These are so delicious! Who made them?"

"Angel. Ms. Pearl helped him, but he did most of it himself."

"That boy is talented...."

"I know!" I smile a little before taking a bite myself. "You should try his Enchiladas, those are the best..."

"I love Enchiladas..."

"I know..."

"How's little miss Nia?"

"Still depressed. I've been trying to reach any family she may have, see if they could be able to help her adjust but..."

"Can't find anyone?"


" about I give you a number to a great child grief counselor who works here?"

"I would say think you and take it gladly. She needs it. I don't want her slipping away. She has to much light to succumb to the darkness this soon..."

"Wow...have you thought about writing?"

"No. I haven't."

She laughs as she shoves my shoulder, causing me to smile as I let her take away my stress. She rubs my shoulder, letting me know that I have her.

"You can do this, I know it!"


"Thank you again, sheriff. I don't think I would have got it without you..."

"Ana...with all the years we've known each other, you'd think to call me Noah by know..."

"I know...but you're more like a father to me than my own so call you Noah feels weird..."

He stops screwing the bed frames together to look at me, a smile forming on his face. I give him a confused look as I wait for him to talk.


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