Ch. 86: Bardo

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After waking up at my mom's, taking a shower and getting the kids up and ready for school, we head out the door. Mom lives closer to the school so we were able to actually sit down and eat before leaving for school.

I drop them off with a smile before heading to work myself. I step into the school, heading straight to my classroom. I pass by Mr. Yukimura's daughter, Kira, who's sat reading on a bench in the hallway. I can see a stack of papers on the seat next to her, laying there as if they were forgotten. The warning bell rings, alerting everyone that they need to move.

Kira stands and rushes off, not even paying attention to the papers she left on the bench. I walk over, grabbing them as I go to call out. I look up, not seeing her before looking back down.


I see Mr. Yukimura walking by sipping his coffee as he makes his way to his classroom. I try to catch up to him as I pick up my place.

"Mr. Yukimura!"

He turns, a smile on his face as he waits for me to meet him. I smile as I hold out the stack of papers, waiting for him to take them.

"Your daughter left these on that bench and I thought I would give it to you to give to that okay?"

He takes the stack, a knowing look on his face as he takes them.

"Yeah...she printed this off for a boy she likes...Scott I think is his name?"

"Scott McCall?"

"I think..."

"That's my brother...."

"How funny! I'll see you later, Ms. McCall!"


I walk into my classroom, seeing students everywhere as they take their seats. I smile as I pull out the lesson plan for today.

I go to stand and go to pass out the papers for today when I hear running coming from the hall. I tell the kids to stay where they are as I walk out the door, seeing Scott and stiles rushing down the hall.

"Scott? Stiles? What's happening?"

"I've got it...go back to class..."

I nod as I watch my brother drag stiles down the hall.


After the class is over, I rush out to check on the boys. As I walk, I hear growling and a bang coming from the boys locker room. I see the window busted open and glass everywhere. I reach in and unlock it, throwing it open and rushing in.

I see Scott with a scared Kira behind him. I can see lockers laying on their sides as I rush forward and check on the two. Kira flinches away when I go to see if she's okay, causing me to step back and give her some space. I see some kids passing by and flag them down.

"Go to the office. Tell them that there was an incident in the boys locker room involving a coyote and that we need them to call it in."

They nod and rush off, heading in the direction of the office like I said. I turn back to Scott as he nods, turning and asking Kira if she's okay. I see Stiles' bag not far with a babydoll peeking out. I walk over, bending down and opening up the bag. I pull it out, being able to smell multiple smells on it.

One that sticks out is that of a coyote, one with a human undertones. My head snaps to Scott, looking at him in question as I stick the doll back in it. I walk over, grabbing his arm and forcing him away from the frightened teen.

"What is going on?"

"A girl turned into a coyote about eight years ago...we're trying to find a way to change her back..."

I look at his eyes, looking for the truth. He stares at me unblinking as his heart stays steady. I exhale and look down before looking back up at him.

"Listen to me, Scott....there is still a lot you don't understand about this world. I know that you have an amazing heart and you want to save everyone that you can...but you're still just a kid. All of you are. And sooner or later, it's going catch up to one of you."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm be careful..."

I squeeze his shoulder as I hear sirens in the distance, heading our way. Mr. Yukimura rushes in and sees his daughter leaning against the lockers. He rushes over, checking her over before asking if she's okay. When she nods, a weight is lifted off his shoulders as he exhales as he pulls her into a hug.


"Ana! Are you okay?"

Once Noah gets here, he checks on the boys and I to see if we're okay. I nod before seeing Stiles hold up his bag and the doll, talking to Scott. A man steps in, taking the doll aggressively before Noah steps forward.

"Mr. Tate I don't know how you heard about this...if you've got your own police scanner or what...but you can't be here."

Mr. Tate tries to push past Noah, who stops him. He feels something on the man's abdomen, causing him to gently move the shirt out of the way. He reveals a gun in a holster, strapped to the man's side.

"I have a permit."

"California schools are gun free zones, permit or no permit." Oop. Better take mine out of my classroom then... "you need to leave, Mr. Tate. Now."

"You find that animal. You find that thing!?"

We watch him storm out of the room, heading for the exit to the building. I turn towards Noah, smiling as I squeeze his shoulder. He nods at me as I walk out of the room, already have done my report with a deputy before Noah came in.

I smile at the boys and Kira before I get out of view, heading down the hall towards my room. I have two more classes to teach than I can go try to help the coyote girl.



I found another website that I can watch it on so.....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the author

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