Ch. 87: Perfect Shot

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After the last class, I pick up the kids before heading to the animal clinic. As soon as we get there, the kids grab everything and rush inside. Nia hobbles with her boot as she rushes to keep up with Angel as he opens the door.

I can hear voices coming from the back room as I walk in, carrying my bags as the kids sit at the receptionist desk to do homework. I smile at them before walking into the back.

"I only have three so whoever's shooting needs to be a damn good shot."

"Alison's a perfect shot."

"Well...she used to be..."

"I can do it."

They all turn towards me, confusion on there faces as I set down my bags. I open one that holds my rifle and start to assemble it. All three teen boys watch me in astonishment as I click everything into place. I haven't used this in years but keep it clean even when I don't use it.

"What're you doing here?"

I look up at my brother, not looking down as I click the last component into place. I set it down as I stare him down, resting both hands on the metal table in between us.

"What does it look like?"

"Shouldn't you be at home with the kids?"

"The kids are in there...doing homework..."

I point towards the lobby, a confused look on my face as I look at Scott.

"But you're court date.."

"Is tomorrow. I can help you with this today and still have time to get home for dinner....what ever is going on, you need me even if you don't want to admit it."

"How do we know we'll even find it?"

I turn to Isaac, a hard look on my face as I stare him down.


"What is the point of him? Seriously. What's his purpose besides from the persistent negativity and the scarf! What's up with the scarf anyway? It's sixty-five degrees outside."

I snort as I look at Stiles as he has a little rant about Issac. Nia pokes her head in, looking at me with a small smile as she hobbles in. She looks at everyone, her smile widening.

"Mama? Can I have a snack?"

"Of course, Princess..." I get into the side pocket of one of my bags, pulling out two granola bars. I hand them both to her as she smiles and goes to rush back into the lobby. "Give one to Angel!"

"Hi, Issac!"

She waves as she rushes through the door again. Stiles looks in her direction, an offended look on his face as he holds out his arms. I snort again before looking back at Deaton, seeing him looking at something on the table.

"What's the plan?"

"We're going to go out into the preserve and..."

"And what? Shoot a coyote?"

I turn to Issac as he speaks, his arms crossed over his chest. I give him a look as everyone else does the same.

"What? Maybe I'm asking the questions that no one here wants to are we going to turn a coyote into a girl...when she hasn't been a girl in eight years?!"

"I can do it..."

"You can?"

"You remember the night Peter trapped us in the school?" Stiles and I both nod at Scott before he continues. "In the gym he was able to turn me with only his voice...Ducalian did the same thing in the distillery."

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