Chapter 1

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I was supposed to be some kind of prodigy.

Awakened at the age of three, and being a quadra-elemental.

I still remember my parents faces when they learned how gifted I was, how happy they were. And shocked that I blew up half the house. They called me their special boy.

For a year after I awakened, my dad tried his best to teach me some fighting skills. Of course, it was difficult since I was only 3 and my dad was the size of a mountain.

I would sit in the training yard and watch him practice, and learn how he fought. He was amazing to say the least. I looked up to my dad, I wanted to be just like him. Strong, yet caring.

My dad, He had very ashy brown colored hair and had deep blue colored eyes while his eyebrows were strong and fierce. He always seemed to be in a good mood, and seemed to have a way to make my mom always laugh.

Then there was my mother, she was beautiful to say the least with her auburn hair and brown eyes. She always cared for me, and watched out for me, her smile always made me feel safe. She would always scorn my dad when he would accidentally injure me during training.

I mean seriously, who kicks a three year old into a tree. I think my dad got in some pretty big trouble, because my mom said no sugar for a month. I would hate not being able to have sweets for that long. Poor dad, maybe I'll sneak him some cake later.

Then, my dad had the idea to get me a teacher in Xyrus. He thought since I was so gifted, I needed a proper teacher. Apparently Xyrus was supposedly some important city.

My mom was first against the idea, since she wanted my dad to teach me, however, he argued that I was gifted with mana manipulation, and awakening at 3 was unheard of. So in the end, my mom agreed but she wanted to get my mana channels tested first.

My parents sent word out to their old friends. They said they used to adventure together, called themselves the Twin Horns.

Not long after my parents sent out word to their friends, they arrived at our home. They were practically a second family to me. Helen, Adam, Angela, Jasmine, and Durden.

Helen, who had sharp eyes, a perky nose, thin red lips, and a flat chest, almost boyish with her shoulder-length hair tied tightly at the back seems like a second mother to me. Helen said I was cute and adorable, while pinching my cheeks.

Jasmine who had dark hair and red eyes was someone of very few words, just gave me a nod and a head pat. She seemed to be the youngest of the group.

Then there was Angela. She was pretty with her blonde hair and green eyes. When she hugged me and crushed me in her large chest, my life flashed before my eyes as I couldn't breath.

Luckily I was saved by a giant known as Durden. And I thought my dad was big. With narrow dark eyes and black hair he looked like a giant.

"Angela you're going to suffocate the poor kid" Durden said while holding me up like a kitten while I was dangling in the air. I couldn't help but stare at the man in awe and feel bad for whoever picked a fight with him.

"I'm sorry, I just thought he was so cute!" Angela gushed.

"He's definitely gonna be a catch when he grows up. Auburn hair with azure eyes, nice job you too" Helen said as she looked at my parents who were blushing. "I wonder who the lucky girl will be." Said Helen.

"He's 3, he doesn't even need to be looking at girls!" My mom said earning a laugh from her friends.

"But mom, I'm almost 4!" I said. My mom looked at me with a warm smile and gave me a pat on the head.

"He doesn't look all that to me. Besides, who would go for that twerp before I even get a girlf-waaaa!" Helen pulled Adam by his bow before he could finish his sentence. Adam didn't seem to be bad looking with bright eyes and bright red hair tied to the back.

"So why do you want to take your son to Xyrus?" Durden asked my dad.

"Well, he may have awakened already." My dad said with a grin.

Durden looked at my dad like he grew a tail. "Are you feeling alright?" Helen asked my dad.

"Art sweetie, can you show our friends your magic like you show your dad and I?" My mom asked.

"Ok" I say as I lift both my hands and focus on the mana. I visualize the elements as I conjure a ball of earth, air, fire, and water in my hands.

(All four element at the age of 3, take that Aang)

The Twin Horns became silent and stared at me. Adam walked up to me and kneeled down in front of me. Adam looked at the elements in my hands then looked at me, without missing a beat he says "what the fuck?"

I don't think I've seen anyone move so fast as Helen, my mom, and Angela all hit Adam on his head yelling "language!"

I tilt my head and looked at Adam. "What does fuck mean?" I asked innocently.

The fear I saw in Adam's eyes when my mom looked at him radiating an aura matching that of a demon lord who was about to destroy his enemy making me gulp.

My mom looked at me, and suddenly it's like the aura dissipated and she gave me a warm smile and said, "don't worry Arthur, and try not to say that again, ok sweetie!" Said said with a head pat.

Durden looks at my dad and says "Rey, your son, he's a Quadra elemental?" With shock and disbelief in his voice.

My dad looks at me with a sense of pride and says, "yes, yes he is". Seeing my dad look at me like this brought me joy.

"Ok, well now that that's out of the way, how about we start our journey!" My mom says.


Together we began to make the trip to Xyrus, everything was going good. Over the next couple days Adam tried to show me some of his spear skills, but I just ended up being slammed into the dirt.

"What's wrong, the prodigy can't take a little training?" Adam snickered. Helen slapped him in the back of the head in return and reminded him I was only 3 soon to be 4.

Jasmine, a lady of few words, was showing me some skills with her two knives, and how to wrap them in wind mana.

Durden, was showing me some moves to manipulate the earth, and how to use it defensively and offensively. He showed me a move that if used properly, could make your enemy do the splits while a stone pillar erected in the middle. He called it the nutcracker.

Adam laughed at Durdens move and said, "or if used on a female, it would ju-waaa!" Helen grabbed Adam with her bow before he could continue. I wonder what he was gonna say.

Angela, she would just periodically suffocate me in her giant chest, until I was saved by my guardian angel Durden. She would occasionally show me how to make wind blades, which was a pretty neat skill. Being able to make a sword from wind while wrapping it in fire magic earned me some praise from my dad who would continually say, "that's my boy".

Helen, tried to show me some archery skills, but I think I was more attached to the sword.

My mom continued to worry since she didn't want me to get hurt. But seeing the Twin Horns take care of me like I was their own child gave her a sense of peace.

Everything was going great, I was enjoying my time with everyone. We were continuing our trip through the mountains and I was just sitting in the carriage with my mom who was holding me in her lap when I heard Helen yell.


(Chapter 1, let me know what you guys think and point out any errors. Open to criticism!)

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