Chapter 16

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Virion Eralith POV

When Rinia looked confused at Arthur's presence as we first arrived, I was a little surprised. There's usually nothing you can get past Rinia.

While we were sitting down at the table, I watched as Rinia used her abilities to look into Arthur's future, to learn about him. But a wave of concern washed over me as I watched Rinia yell in pain, as she grabbed her head.

After a while, Rinia composed herself, and sent Tessia and Arthur to the other room. Probably so that Rina and I could have a private conversation. Rinia looked deep in thought for a second, before she looked at me, and broke the silence.

"Virion, where did you find this boy, and what do you already know about him?" Rinia asked in a curious tone. "What, you can't see that for yourself?" I replied laughing. Though, my laugh soon died down when I saw the seriousness on her face.

"Rinia, is everything ok? You didn't see anything bad about Arthur did you?" I asked concerned. Rinia looked away for a second, her eyes looked deep in thought before she looked at me.

"No Virion, I didn't see anything bad about Arthur. In fact, I didn't see anything about him at all. I didn't even know he would be coming here. I expected you and little Tessia, but not once did I see this Arthur boy." Rinia replied.

"How is that possible? I thought there was nothing that could get past you?" I asked curiously. "Virion, do you know how my powers work?" Rinia asked. I thought for a moment and replied. "If I remember correctly, you use an ability powered by what you call aether."

"Yes Virion, that's correct, through aether I can see possible futures, and see what is happening in the present day. Hell, I could even communicate long distance through a mental connection. Not once have I ever come across someone I couldn't even see. Until now." Rinia began.

Rinia placed her hand on her chin as if thinking. She looked at me again. "This Arthur, he is protected by aether. It's as if a protective spell of aether was placed on him by something, or someone. And whatever this spell is, it is beyond my comprehension." Rinia began.

"I ask again, what do you know about this boy, where does he come from, who are his parents?" Rinia asked me while I looked down thinking.

Would it be ok for me to tell her Arthur's secrets? Bahhh it's Rinia, if you can't trust her, who can you trust. "Arthur is very special. He is a quadra-elemental, and a dragon tamer with the body of a dragon. As for his parents, they were killed not too long ago by a groups of hu-bandits. He's all alone now, and I've taken him in as my disciple." I said looking at Rinia, who seemed shocked and contemplating what I just said.

"Interesting, very interesting. Though, I don't think any of those reasons would block my vision. Hmmmm, I wonder." Rinia looked at me with a curious gaze. "Virion, have you noticed any weird markings on Arthur?"

I thought about this for a second. I haven't exactly seen the brat undressed or anything. But nothing came to mind. "No, I can't say I have, why?" Rinia leaned back in her chair. "No reason, just a thought. Well, you've given me a lot to think about Virion. I must say I'm curious about this child now. I'll see if there is anything I can find out. I'll let you know if I see anything."

"Alright Rinia, and thank you." I got up from the table, and walked to the back room where Tessia and Arthur were. I got their attention, and walked with them back to the carriage, after they said goodbye to Rinia. Once at the carriage, I instructed the driver to go, and we set off back to Zestier, our capital city.

I sat in the carriage thinking about what Rinia told me. I must've had a concerned look on my face since I heard the brat speak. "Are you ok gramps? What did Rinia see? Was it about me? Was it bad?"

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