Chapter 117

953 52 23

Arthur Leywin POV

"Destroy!!! Kill!!! Subjugate!!!"

Purple flames danced around me as all emotion drained away, leaving only hatred. My vision was red, and my body felt hot all over. My eyes were glued to Viessa, whose dark eyes were locked on me, and her brows were raised in surprise.

"Go!!!" A dark voice yelled in my head. "Bring this Scythe to her knees. Show her the power of destruction, and kill all in your path!!!"

'Yes... Kill them... Kill them all... None shall stand in my wa-'


My eyes shot open at the sound of Tess's voice. My body was drenched in sweat, and my chest rose and fell rapidly from my heavy breathing. I groaned slightly, feeling my head ache slightly like someone had punched me repeatedly.

My eyes narrowed in confusion, with my gaze locked on a dark gray roof. I curiously looked around with my eyes, wondering where I was since I obviously wasn't in my tent in the dungeon.

'Where am I? What happened to the Scythe? What happened to the others?'

I continued to look around, noticing the room looked nice with dark gray walls and mahogany-colored furniture. I shifted a little, feeling I was lying in a comfortable large bed. However, that wasn't the only thing I noticed. I felt a warm, comfortable weight on my left shoulder and across my chest.

I looked to my left, and a warm smile graced my face. My beautiful gunmetal gray-haired princess lay next to me, with her head lying on my shoulder. Her hair slightly covered her face, and her mouth was slightly open. I felt her chest rise and fall and her warm breath against my skin as she took each breath. She looked so peaceful and beautiful as she slept, and thoughts of how lucky I was to have her surfaced in my mind. The negative thoughts and dreams I just had were quickly washed away by the comfort of having Tess beside me.

I carefully leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Hmmmmm," Tess grumbled, and her brows furrowed slightly. She smacked her lips together a few times and nuzzled her head into my shoulder.

Slowly, her beautiful pearls fluttered open, and she took a deep yawn as she shifted her body a little. Her eyes gradually looked up until they met mine.

I smiled warmly, almost getting lost in the beauty of her eyes, "Hello, beautiful."

Tess hummed happily and returned the smile, "Hey, handsome."

My heart skipped a beat hearing her tired voice and how sweet it was. "Why don't you go back to sleep? Get some more rest."

Tess hummed and nodded happily, "Okay."

Her eyes slowly closed again, and she nuzzled her head into my shoulder. I stared at her, admiring her, feeling her physically relax. She let out a deep breath, seeming to become comfortable.

Suddenly, Tess's eyes shot open, immediately going wide-eyed. She sat up and looked at me in disbelief, her eyes growing slightly watery.

"You're awake!" Tess yelled in relief as she moved herself up on top of me, wrapped her arms around me, and held me tight. I could feel her legs on either side of me and her body shaking slightly as she held me close. She put her head into the crook of my neck, and I could hear her sniffling as my shoulder became slightly wet from her tears.

Initially surprised, I smiled and chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her slender body close to me. Her grip around me tightened, and I could feel her body physically relax as she lay on top of me.

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