Chapter 129

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3rd Person POV (The Wall)

Tensions were high among the soldiers as they took their positions in front of the wall. Whispers could be heard among the soldiers as they made plans among their squads. Fear was plastered on their faces, but many agreed that they would survive should they watch each other's backs.

The ground underneath the soldiers shook from the footfalls of the approaching horde. Dust rose into the air from the beasts disturbing the earth beneath them. The soldiers in formation shook as well, not from the vibration from the beasts but from fear.

The twin horns, Claire, Theo, and Caera, stood together in a circular formation, facing the approaching Horde. Reynolds stood before them, staring down the beast horde with determination.

Reynolds turned around to face his comrades to address them. His squad mates all looked at him, and Reynolds could see the fear in their eyes. Reynolds was also afraid of the coming battle, but he wouldn't show it; he couldn't; he needed to remain confident for the others.

Reynolds cleared his throat, pushing down his fear and preparing to distribute orders, "Listen up. Angela, you'll stay on ranged attacks and cover us. The rest of us will take a circular formation and keep our enemies outside our perimeter."

"Also, don't forget," Durden began, getting everyone's attention. "These beasts have been corrupted, so they're stronger. Don't be a hero and go running off; stick together."

"There's more than the beasts to worry about," Adam began, clutching his spear tightly and staring at the approaching dust cloud. "There are Alacryan troops with them."

"Keep the formation tight. The closer we are to each other, the more we can help each other out," Reynolds said, getting a nod from everyone. "If we fight together, we can make it through this."

The sound of beasts roaring gained the soldier's attention. Reynolds spun around and faced the beast horde, seeing they were now visible and much closer, so close Reynolds could also smell them. Suddenly, a horn sounded in the distance. Battle cries and beasts roaring could be heard before they suddenly began to charge toward the wall.

The DIcathen defenders got into defensive stances but did not advance. Their eyes were locked on the beast horde, watching as they closed the distance. The ground vibrated furiously under the weight of the incoming wave of beasts.


The beast horde on the right side exploded, followed by a series of explosions set off as the beasts hit the traps that were previously set up. Blown-off limbs and bodies could be seen flying in the air from the sheer force of the explosions.

The soldiers on the ground looked up as they heard a whizzing sound. Their eyes fell on flaming boulders and mana-coated arrows flying through the air.

Reynolds looked at the top of the wall, knowing his daughter was with Helen. "Please stay safe," Reynolds whispered in a prayer before he looked forward toward the beasts once more.

The boulders and arrows struck the Horde, thinning out their ranks just a little. An explosion erupted in the air over the Dicathen soldiers on the ground, giving them the signal.

"FOR DICATHEN!!" Soldiers shouted valiantly as they charged forward.


Helen looked through the telescope at the oncoming beast horde, seeing its massive size. She lowered the telescope and looked at the artillery personnel stationed on the wall, seeing them awaiting her orders.

"Load catapults!" Helen commanded loudly.

Wind mages waved their arms, manipulating the catapult wheel which controlled the rope. The wind spun the reels, lowering the catapults into a firing position. Earth mages lifted the boulders set to the sides and loaded the catapults. Fire mages standing at the ready set the boulders ablaze.

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