Chapter 35

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Arthur Leywin POV

I was walking in darkness. I couldn't see anything, or anyone.

"Hello?" I said only to hear my voice echo, like I was in a large cave.

I continued to walk forward, seeing nothing but darkness in front of me. Looking down, I noticed the dirt floor looked scorched and cracked. Where am I? What is this place? How did I get here?

I continued to walk until I heard an explosion behind me. A bright orange fiery light illuminated the area, showing hundreds of gray boxy like buildings which were all burnt and damaged. On the ground laid thousands of people who were dead. They were all stabbed, mutilated, and covered in blood. I couldn't believe my eyes, as I looked upon the field of death in front of me. I turned around to the source of the light, and saw what looked like a giant gray castle was on fire.

In front of the castle were two figures. One was on his knees holding his stomach that was bleeding profusely. He looked tall, thin build, auburn medium length hair, and glowing purple eyes. He wore a simple tattered brown short sleeve shirt, and black pants. With the rips in the mans shirt, I could see he had three tattoos on his left arm, and four on his right arm, two tattoos on his chest, one above his heart, and the other on the right side of his abdomen. He had five tattoos that ran down the spine of his back, markings I've never seen before, except one.

The mark on his right forearm, is the same mark that appeared on my arm when I tried to use the purple energy. The man on the ground lifted his head, and looked at the figure in front of him with absolute hate. I couldn't make out the figure in front of him, only his silhouette. He looked to be a tall man with a thin build, but the most notable feature were his horns. Horns? The same as the man who came for Sylvia...

The standing figure spoke first, his voice cold and dark. "Last chance, give me what I want, and perhaps I will spare you."

The figure kneeling gave a scowl, and spit blood at the standing man. "Never. The power will never be yours."

The standing figure let out an immense pressure, and swung his arm decapitating the kneeling man. "So much power in your hands, yet you refused to use it. What a shame."

Suddenly my surroundings shifted. I was in an octagon looking room with obsidian walls, and seven purple crystals embedded into the walls. All of a sudden the crystals glowed, and one of the crystals shot out a ball of purple energy which fell to the floor. The purple energy began to rise, and take the shape of a purple man. The purple man had purple hair and purple eyes, they had the same markings I saw on the man earlier. This purple man looked at me up and down.

He nodded at me as he spoke, "The time draws near. You need to be ready."

"Ready for what? I don't understand." I said.

But before he could answer, my eyes shot open and I was laying in bed back at the Helstea residence. I was drenched in sweat, and my breathing was staggered. I looked to my right, and saw Tess lying down peacefully. Seeing her next to me caused me to smile and filled me with bliss, and helped me calm down.

I continued to look at her until I felt an immense chill run down my back. My eyes went wide and I shot up in bed startling Tess.

"Ahhhh! Art what's wrong!" Tess said sitting up. I sat there frozen in fear. "Art?"


My body flinched at the voice, I could feel Tess stiffen next to me. I've never felt fear like this before. Even when I saw that horned figure in Sylvia's cave, or when I faced off against the forest queen, this took the cake.

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