Chapter 27

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Tessia Eralith POV

I woke up the next morning in the tent, while laying next to Art with my head on his shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes, and heard him breathing rhythmically next to me. Hearing him sleep, feeling his chest rise and fall, I felt like I could stay like this forever.

My thoughts went to the kisses we shared last night, and I couldn't help but smile brightly. I finally got to kiss Art, And not only that, we are boyfriend and girlfriend now. Just thinking about this made my heart flutter, filling me with bliss. I slowly looked at his face while he slept, and smiled. I couldn't help but think about how handsome he is, good thing he's mine now.

I heard some voices outside the tent, and thought Sebastian and Alea must be awake. I decided to gently shake Art awake.

"Hey Art, I think the others are awake, we should get up too." I said in a soft voice.

Art stirred a little before he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around the tent, until his eyes locked onto mine. He gave me a warm smile and said, "good morning Tess, sleep well?" His voice sounded tired which I found cute.

"*giggle* I slept pretty well, you?" I asked.

"Better then ever." Art said as he leaned forward. I felt as Art gently pressed his lips to mine, as we shared a loving kiss. We broke the kiss, and we smiled brightly at each other. As we looked at each other, we heard the voices talking outside again.

"Alright, let's see what they're talking about." Art said as he sat up.

"How are you feeling? I know you were pretty sore yesterday." I said as I sat up as well.

I watched as he moved his arms around fluidly. "I feel ok, I don't feel sore anymore. It was my first time using my second phase, so it took a lot out of me, even with my body being half dragon. But luckily I heal fast, so the soreness is gone." He said smiling.

Art then reached over and picked up Sylvie. Sylvie slightly woke up, as Art placed her on top of his head. Once on his head, she laid her head down and immediately fell asleep again.

I laughed at this. "Her favorite spot." I said smiling at them.

Art patted Sylvie's head with a smile. "Dragon or not, she still likes to use me as a resting place." Art said as we both laughed.

"You know, I can hear you two laughing. If you're done sleeping, come on out here already. We still have to pack up camp, and then we'll start our journey to Elenoir." I heard Sebastian say.

"Oh Sebastian, let them have their fun. It's not everyday you get to sleep under the stars with your lover." Art and I blushed at this comment, but the voice was not Alea's. Art and I looked at each other as we recognized it.

We both made our way out of the tent, and looked around. Our eyes fell on Sebastian, Alea, and Aya, who were all sitting down in a circle around the camp fire.

"Aya? What are you doing here?" Art asked as I was also wondering the same thing.

"Are you saying I can't come and spend some quality time with you when I want, my dear Arthur? Maybe I just wanted to share a tent with you too." Aya said in a teasing tone.

Art blushed at this while I subconsciously wrapped my arms around Art's left arm, holding him close while my eyes narrowed at Aya.

Aya noticed this, and her brows raised as she smirked. "Hahaha, my my, someone is protective over Arthur isn't she?" Aya said teasingly.

"Aya, you are not to touch my Art, he's my boyfriend now." I said with some nervousness. I could see Art smile out of the corner of my eyes, as I called him my boyfriend.

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