Chapter 59

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Arthur Leywin POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Confusion hit me as I recognized I was standing in the tunnels under Widows Crypt.

'How did I get here? I remember I was in the cavern and... Alea?!'

I quickly started to run down the tunnel when I came to the entrance to the cavern. When I reached the entrance, I was suddenly hit with an invisible field that kept me from entering the cavern. I looked into the cavern and saw... myself?

I was currently in battle with that hooded assailant. I watched as I tried to maneuver and get a good hit on him. But he was too skilled, too powerful. I was out matched from the beginning. Even with my dragon body, he was strong, but how? Who, what is he?

I watched as he plunged the pitchfork into my stomach and fling me against the wall. Suddenly my surroundings changed. I was back in the black octagon shaped room. I looked around and watched as seven of the crystals began to glow, and seven purple figures formed from the crystals.

The all looked at me intently, and I stepped back a little.

"Who are you? What is this place?" I asked in a defensive tone.

"They are here. The time has come. You must awaken your powers Arthur. When the time is right, she will bring you to us. You must be ready." The seven figures said in tandem.

"Powers? I've already awakened. I can already use magic. But you haven't answered my question. Who are you?" I said.

"All of your questions will be answered in due time. For now, get stronger. We will see you soon." The figures said.

Suddenly the room started to change again and I was falling into darkness. I screamed and shut my eyes tight.

My eyes flew open as I was breathing heavily. I looked around and noticed I was in an infirmary room back at Xyrus academy. Tess was laying to my left with her head on my shoulder.

I felt relief wash over me seeing she was safe.

'Papa?' I heard Sylv say mentally.

I looked down and saw Sylv laying at my feet concerned. 'Hey Sylv. Don't worry, I'm ok.' I replied to her through our mental connection.

'You had a dream about them again. Didn't you?' She said.

I looked away from her for a second and sighed. 'Ya, I did. I don't know what any of it means. How did you know?' I said.

'Because I felt another mental connection speaking to you. But they were blocking me out. I wasn't able to listen in on what they were saying.' Sylv said a little concerned.

I looked at her while I was deep in thought. 'They told me I needed to be ready. To be stronger, to awaken my powers. But I'm already awakened. I can already use magic, I don't understand. But, I do need to grow stronger. What ever that thing was, I was no match for it.' I said as I felt a shiver down my spine.

'We will get stronger together. I shouldn't have let you go to that dungeon by yourself.' Sylv said as she looked down, as I felt regret coming from her.

I smiled at her, 'You had no idea what was going to happen Sylv. Don't blame yourself.'  I said.

I took a deep breath as I laid my head back down. Memories of the fight with the hooded figure coming back to me. I subconsciously touched my stomach where he stabbed me. I could remember the pain I felt when lifted me into the air like I was nothing. I clenched my fist as I felt my body shiver again.

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