Chapter 78

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Arthur Leywin POV

Six months later

I was in the middle of the canyon as we just reentered the mind realm. Regis jumped out of my chest and sat beside me like usual.

"I must say I am impressed, prince Arthur. Not many have been able to effectively use the rune of destruction in such a short amount of time." Kol said as he stood in front of me.

"Well, I have a good motivator," I said, shrugging with a smile.

Kol nodded as he said this. "Yes, I'm glad you didn't take our advice when you first came to us. Now, let us continue and see what you've learned." Kol said.

Kol turned around and walked forward a few steps. He waved his hand, and an aether platform formed right before him. Kol stepped onto the platform and turned around. I watched as he raised his right hand, as his left was at the small of his back. The platform raised into the air, carrying Kol with it. I followed Kol with my eyes as he stood on the platform above us.

"Are you ready to begin, prince Arthur?" Kol asked.

I looked at Regis. "Ready, Regis?" I asked.

"Ready, princess. Did you want me to go first?" Regis asked.

"No, I'll go first, then you, then together," I said.

Regis nodded. "Sounds good."

I looked back at Kol, who was staring down at me from the platform. "We're ready," I said with a nod.

"Very well," Kol said as he waved his right arm.

I looked back down straight in front of me. I watched as aether gathered, and about one hundred aether warriors formed in front of me. I took a breath as I activated my destruction rune. I felt the power of destruction course through my veins, and my rune burned hot.

Amethyst flames flared to life in my hands and coursed up my arms. I shut my eyes as the voices of destruction flooded my mind.

'Kill them all.'

'They are nothing compared to you.'

'Bend them to your will.'


I smiled at hearing Tess' voice in my head, feeling a calming sensation. I pictured Tess in my mind as I opened my eyes.

"Stay in control, Arthur, for her," I told myself. My eyes flicked up to Kol, who was staring at me intently. I watched as he nodded, and a smug smile formed on his face.

I looked back to the group of aether warriors in front of me. I leaned down, gathering aether in my legs, getting ready to burst forward. I needed to be quick; I couldn't hold the destruction rune for long without losing control.

I bust stepped forward into the middle of the group, leaving a line of destruction fire in my wake. I looked around me with determination not to fail, to control this power, not let it control me.

I waved my left arm to my back left as a wave of destruction burst from my hand. I watched as the destruction flames consumed the first group.

I then waved my left arm to my front left. Another wave of flames of destruction burst forward, consuming the group.

My eyes flicked to my right as I waved my right arm to my front right. Flames of destruction burst from my hands and consumed the warriors, leaving nothing behind.

'Consume them all!'

'Leave nothing behind!'

"Ahh, stay in control, Arthur," I said to myself through gritted teeth.

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