Chapter 115

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A/N: Hello, my dear readers! Thank you to those who patiently waited for my return! Without further ado, let's continue the story! Enjoy!

Arthur Leywin POV

I took a deep breath and stirred a little as I lay in bed. The corners of my mouth raised in a warm smile, feeling a warm, comforting weight on me. My eyes fluttered open, letting my blurry, sleepy vision adjust to my surroundings.

I looked to my side, and my eyes fell on my gunmetal grey-haired beauty. Her messy hair slightly covered her angelic face and was spread out across my chest. Her mouth was slightly agape, and I could feel her warm breath as she exhaled. I lifted my hand and gently tucked a tiny lock of smooth hair behind her ear. I chuckled a little, seeing her ear twitch slightly from my simple touch.

My warm smile turned into a smirk, and I decided to have some fun with my princess. I brought my left hand to her ear and lightly flicked it with my left index finger. I chuckled, seeing her ear twitch again. Tess grumbled slightly, her brows scrunched up a little before she nuzzled her head against my chest, and her flawless facial features relaxed.

'She's so cute.'

I flicked her ear lightly again, watching it twitch. Tess grumbled a little louder, flinching slightly. She groggily lifted her left arm and gently rubbed her left ear. After a moment, she let go of her ear and laid her arm back across me. She let out a relaxing breath before lovingly nuzzling her head against my chest.

I held back a snicker as I moved my hand to her ear again and slightly flicked it. Tess' left arm shot up and swatted my hand away as she groggily lifted her head. She looked up at me with her tired, irritated eyes that she struggled to keep open. Tess blinked a few times before she was able to open her eyes all the way. She narrowed her eyes at me and pursed her lips into a pout.

She lightheartedly hit my chest with her left hand, and I let out a laugh in response, flinching slightly from her playful hit. "Big dummy. Stop flicking my ear," Tess said in a tired voice, which I found attractive.

"Well, good morning to you too, beautiful," I said affectionately. 

Tess' lips twitched slightly, obviously struggling to maintain her pout before the corners of her soft-looking lips curved into a loving smile. She quickly looked to the side, but not before I took notice of her cheeks turning rosy red.

"That's not fair," She said fondly.

I tilted my head slightly to the right, giving her a playful smile. "What's not fair? Calling you beautiful? Cause I don't think that does you justice." I said flirtatiously.

Tess' eyes flicked to me, and she smiled affectionately, "You're an idiot."

"Perhaps, but I'm your idiot," I said warmly.

Tess smiled radiantly before we slowly leaned forward and lovingly pressed our lips together. We held the kiss for a few moments, and I enjoyed the sweet taste of her lips before I pulled away. However, Tess had other ideas as she immediately leaned forward, pressing her lips against mine again, but with more pressure than before. I was initially surprised but didn't hesitate to return the kiss. Tess began to rub my bare chest with her left hand, humming happily, and a slight shiver ran down my spine from her angelic touch.

Tess broke the kiss and looked at me with her beautiful, emerald, lustful eyes. Tess smirked as she as she slowly began to lift herself. She swung her left leg over me and straddled my waist. I smiled, placing my hands against her waist, with my eyes looking at her magnificent naked body before she leaned down and pressed her lips against mine again.

As we held the kiss, we opened our mouths in tandem, and I felt Tess' hips grind against me. My body tensed slightly, my grip on her waist tightened, and a sense of arousal shot through me uncontrollably, wanting nothing more than to take her again. A small giggle escaped Tess' lips as she broke the kiss and looked down at me with a smirk.

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