Chapter 103

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Alice Leywin POV

The sounds of soldiers talking and walking around could be heard echoing around the area as I stood in the center of the supply depot. I had soldiers currently doing a layout to determine what supplies we had in stock.

"Captain Leywin."

I looked to my left as Kathlyn approached me with a clipboard in hand. When I first arrived, I was surprised to see Kathlyn here. She had been with the supply unit for a while and knew the ins and outs of the system. Due to her knowledge, I didn't hesitate to make her my lieutenant.

"Hello, Kathlyn. And how many times do I have to tell you, just call me Alice." I said with a warm smile.

The corners of Kathlyn's lips rose a little as she gave me a nod. "Sorry, Alice. I have the final count from the layout." Kathlyn said as she looked at her clipboard.

"Oh? That was quick. Are we short in anything?" I asked.

"No, we seem to be well stocked. The thing we're shortest in are the dry rations, but it's of no concern by the amount we have." Kathlyn said matter of factly.

"Good. Stay on top of it. We need to make sure we can provide enough supplies to the troops." I said, and Kathlyn nodded in response.

"Captain Leywin. I've brought the list of supplies for Vildorial," A young brown-haired female soldier said as she walked up to me with a clipboard.

"Ah, good. I've been waiting for this." I said as I took the clipboard from her.

As I looked at the list, my brows raised in surprise as I noticed it was four pages long, "They're this short on supplies?"

She nodded, "Yes, Captain. From recent reports, the defensive line has been facing a lot of attacks recently but has managed to hold strong."

I nodded as I continued to look at the list. "If they truly are this short in supplies, then we have no time to waste." I looked at Kathlyn and handed her the clipboard, "Kathlyn, correspond their list with ours, and prepare the supplies they need in a caravan. I'll head to Vildorial and open a portal once I arrive."

Kathlyn looked at the supply list before she nodded and looked at me, "Understood. I'll have it done."

I smiled, "I know you will. I'll be off then."

I turned and left the area, making my way through the streets at the wall as soldiers marched past, giving me a salute. I had to remind myself to salute back, as I wasn't used to it. But after the attack on Xyrus, rumors spread of how I defeated the Alacryan attackers and how I displayed great power. I became a beacon of hope to the soldiers at the wall. So I didn't mind wearing a captain's uniform to boost their morale.

I made my way to the administrative area and entered the headquarters building. I walked over to General Elian's office, where I proceeded to knock on the door.

"Come in." I heard Elion say from inside.

I opened the door entering his office, and my eyes fell on Elion, who was sitting at his desk. He was looking over a few papers he held in his hand when he looked up at me. A smile graced his face as our eyes met, and he placed his papers down on the desk.

"Ah, Alice. What brings you here?" Elion asked curiously.

"I've come to inform you that the supply unit received the list of supplies needed for Vildorial. I will be departing there and will have the supply unit enter Vildorial via portal once I arrive." I said.

Elion nodded as he looked down with a sigh, "I've read the recent reports about what's been going on over there. They need all the supplies they can get. Hell, we're not faring much better in the beast glades."

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