Chapter 2

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A/N: Decided to release this chapter now. Give you some more reading material. If I make you cry, sorry in advance...

My mother gasped and held onto me tightly as my father, Helen, Jasmine, Adam, And Durden set up a perimeter around us. Angela was sitting on top of our carriage and put up some kind of wind barrier.

"Alice, I'll protect you and Arthur, stay inside" Angela yelled.

My mother looked outside the window, and I saw her visibly pale. "There's almost 30 of them, oh please be careful everyone" I heard her whisper.

I heard what sounded like yelling and metal clashing outside.

I would occasionally heard what they were saying outside.

"Helen on your left!"

"Jasmine, mace wielder coming up on you!"

"Fire augmenter dead ahead!"

I looked outside the carriage as I saw my father and the Twin Horns surrounding the carriage in a defensive manner.

I watched as a spear wielder ran at Helen while her back was turned. All of a sudden three wind blades flew from the carriage killing the spear wielder. "Nice shot Angela!" Helen yelled thanking her.

"Why don't you give up already and hand over what you're protecting!" A tall man in back mail armor said as he walked in front of the other bandits. He held an obsidian long sword with a silver shield.

I don't know what it was about him, but he radiated an aura that made him seem dangerous.

"Everyone, maintain your defensive positions, I'll fight the leader!" My dad yelled in a menacing voice I've never heard before.

My dad charged the leader with flames wrapping around his gauntlets. The leader smiled and raised his shield in front of him while his sword was above his head pointing at my dad.

(Think obi-wan pose)

The leader thrusted his blade towards my dad who ducked under the blade. My dad brought his fists together and slammed them into the leaders shield.

The leader was flown back a bit and his shield bent.

Woah I thought, I didn't know my dad was that strong.

The leaders face contorted into a scowl, and launched himself at my dad with with wind mana.

The leader continues to swing his sword at my dad while he dodge occasionally getting a cut by the wind mana circling the leaders blade.

Every few swings my dad would get a good hit on the leader when he was finally able to shatter the leaders shield.

The leader yelled and covered himself in wind mana as he launched at my dad again.

The leader brought the sword to his side like he was going to slash my dad.

My dad jumped into the air with his fists above his heard glowing with flames.

The leader smirked as he brought his blade back to him with the point pointing toward my dads chest. Dad willed more fire mana into his fist and augmented himself with mana.

My dad slammed his fists down while the leader plunged his sword forward. My dads fists connected with the leader as he brought his head into the ground killing him.

My dad did it he wo........... no.

"Rey!!!!!!!!!!!!" My mom yelled as she ran out from the carriage.

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