Chapter 76

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Tessia Eralith POV

Three months later.

Three months. It's been three months since I last saw Art. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him or remember the last time I saw him. The worst part is I couldn't ask anyone for an update about him. At least with Sylvie, I have Aldir to ask how she's doing.

I sighed, looking to my left to see the empty space in my bed beside me, wishing Art was here. I looked back up to my bedroom ceiling, thinking about everything that's happened recently.

Shortly after Arthur left, Grandpa had Reynolds and Ellie brought to the floating palace. When they arrived, Bairon got into a verbal argument with Reynolds calling Art a murderer. Luckily Aya was close by and was able to keep Bairon away from them. Grandpa immediately made an announcement after that, saying the Leywin family was under the protection of the Elven royal family.

Caera and Grandma have been working nonstop with the council. They've been divulging Alacryan secrets, discussing how their magic works, and their fighting styles. Caera was able to translate Uto's journal, who was stupid enough to write down some war plans.

According to Uto's journal, the Alacryans were using the tunnels under the Dungeons to stage their troops. They've been using teleportation devices called tempus warps to transport troops and supplies. However, it's been a slow process since they didn't have a proper way to transport a large number of their forces.

The Alacryans have also been using the tunnels to gain access to dungeons to corrupt the mana beasts. Uto's journal also confirmed Caera's statement. They planned to use the corrupted mana beast to attack the Dicathen armies. They wanted to weaken our defenses so their troops and elite soldiers, the retainers and scythes, could come in and claim victory through battle.

The council decided the best course of action would be to stop the mana beast army before it came to fruition. They ordered all the dungeons to be cleared, leaving no mana beast alive. Aldir suggested giving him some of the infant uncorrupted mana beasts. He would take them to Epheotus until the war was over. Then the mana beasts would return to Dicathen and repopulate the dungeons.

I ran into Claire three weeks ago when Alea took Ellie and me to Xyrus city to get me out of the castle for a bit. I haven't seen Alea or Aya much since the lances have been stationed in their home kingdoms directing their troops. When Alea came to visit, Mom and Dad asked her to take me out since I'd been stuck in the castle all this time.

Claire told me she had joined the war. Claire, Theo, Curtis, and Lilia joined the team called the trailblazers to go down into the dungeons and kill the mana beasts. Apparently, she's not the only one helping in the war effort. Feyrith was placed in an Elven company stationed in Elenoir. Elijah and Dordrea were brought back to Darv. Elijah was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and given his own squad. Kathlyn was stationed at the wall assisting with the supply effort. Apparently, Kathlyn and Curtis had to beg their parents to help, and in the end, their parents relented.

After I met with Claire, thoughts of joining the war went through my head. All my friends were out there doing their part while I was here lying in my bed doing nothing. I grabbed my heart necklace around my neck and thought of Art. He would be joining the war when he returned. I knew I needed to help, but getting permission would be near impossible.

*knock* *knock*

"Hey, Tess, it's me! Wanna go to the training room?" I heard Ellie say from behind my bedroom door. I smiled at hearing her voice.

"Sure! Come on in, Ellie!" I said happily as I sat up from the bed. I watched as Ellie opened the door and walked inside. I looked down and noticed her bond, Boo, walking behind her. Shortly after Windsom took Sylvie and Ellie was brought to the castle, Aldir gave Ellie Boo as a gift. He looked like a baby bear with his chest having a tuft of white fur just below his neck. He has two black tufts of black fur above his eyes, making him look like he's permanently scowling hence why Ellie named him Boo.

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