Chapter 10

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Arthur Leywin POV

I-I just.... I just killed these people.

The sight of the blood and the smell that came off of them, it made me sick. I knew I was doing this to help the elf girl. But now that I see what I've done, I couldn't help but feel, empty in my heart.

I didn't feel satisfied, I didn't feel happy, not sad, or angry, just empty. How could someone kill so easily. I continued to think about the people I just killed until my body couldn't take it anymore and I threw up.

I sat on the ground on the hands and knees hyperventilating trying to control my breathing and calm myself down. Suddenly, I was knocked out of my thoughts by hearing a young voice of a girl.

"Help! Help! Someone help!" I turned to the carriage suddenly feeling guilty for leaving the elf girl tied up longer then she needed to be.

I ran to the back of the carriage and jumped inside. What I saw made my eyes widen to the point I thought my eyes were gonna fall out of my head.

A gunmetal haired elf, a pair of round gleaming eyes that look like a pair of careful molded gems. A small pale face with a small perky nose. But it was the state in which she was dressed that had me lost for words.

She had two dirty cloths wrapped around her which barely covered her privates. She gave me a look as if she was thinking, "he couldn't have been the one who save me right?" She had tears in her eyes and I noticed she was trying hard not to scream out of fear. Seeing her like this made me feel a sense of justice now that I killed those men.

I looked away from the elf girl as I couldn't stand to see the way she was dressed. I took a deep breath calming my nerves as I looked at the elf girl and walked over to her.

I kneeled down in front of her and conjured an ice blade. The girls eyes went wide at this, I don't know if it was out of fear, or if she was amazed. I proceeded to cut the rope that had her bound.

I patted the girl on the top of her head as my mom used to do to comfort me. I looked at her in the eyes thinking about what to say. Only one thing came to mind, something I would want to hear if I was in this situation.

"It's ok, you're safe, you can go home now." I said with a warming smile and gentle tone.

The elf girl started to cry more, "*hic* I was so scared! *hic* they were going to sell me! I thought I was never going to see my family again! Waaaaaaaaa!"

Hearing the elf girl cry, and talk about her family made me feel a little sad. Wishing someone could take me back to my family, if only.

But, it also filled me with a sense of determination and purpose. I will help her to the best of my ability, so she can be with her family again.

"W-what happened to those bad guys?" The girl asked in a worried tone. I looked at her and thought about what to say. I didn't want to tell her I killed them. I didn't need her thinking I was some kind of monster.

"T-they, uh um, fell into a horrible accident. And now they're um, g-gone..." I said with a tone that sounded like a child was obviously lying as I sheepishly scratched the back of my head.

The elf girl looked at me with a raised brow. "You're a horrible liar you know. But it serves them right." She said the last looking down with a hint of anger. 

I smiled at her, and was suddenly reminded by her state of apparel and mentally smacked myself for not helping her earlier.

"U-um, why don't you stay in the carriage for a minute or two. I'll see if I can find you something to wear...." I said in an embarrassed tone.

The elf girl gave me a head tilt as she looked down to see her appearance. She immediately turned read and moved her arms as in to cover herself. "Ahhhhhhhh, d-don't look you! G-get out!!"

Not wanting to upset her I jumped out of the carriage and yelled back. "Let me see if I can find something to cover you with.

"They took my dress, I think it's in their belongings." I heard her respond from the carriage stuttering a little.

I looked around the mens belongings and found her white dress with pink lining. I tossed the dress into the carriage. "Here you go u-um, what was your name again?" I asked.

"Tessia, my name is Tessia." She responded.

"Well go ahead and get changed Tessia, I'm gonna see if I can get some stuff that will help us out."

I looked through the mens belongings and found a couple of useful items. I found two bedrolls, some dried rations, and I even grabbed the short sword the boss was using. It wasn't the best quality and had some knicks. But it will at least be able to protect us to some degree.

I folded up the tent which was big enough for two, and packed everything into a large backpack I found with their stuff. After I was able to pack the bag, I hear a ruffle come from the carriage.

I turned to the carriage and noticed Tessia jumped out of the back of the carriage. "Hey Tessia, I was just finishing packing up. I have one more thing to grab so just wait right here ok?" I said gently while looking at her.

Tessia looked at me wide eyed for a second. "Y-you're leaving me here??"

I saw tears forming in her eyes, and I felt a pain in my heart and felt a sense of guilt. I moved forward and took her into a hug to console her as my parents used to do for me. "I'm not leaving you Tessia, I'll be right back I promise. Don't worry, I won't leave you alone."

I broke the hug and saw Tessia looking at me with wide eyes, her cheeks and tip of her ears red. Did I do something wrong? My mom told me hugs are supposed to make people feel better, maybe she doesn't like hugs.

"U-um, alright, um?" She looked at me and tilted her head. Then it hit me. Me being a big dummy didn't tell her my name. My mom also taught me to introduce yourself first. "Arthur, my name is Arthur." I said raising my hand for a handshake.

Tessia smiled at this and took my hand to shake it. "It's nice to meet you Arthur."

I broke the handshake and stepped back from Tessia. "Ok, now give me a quick second ok?"

"Ok, I'll be right here Arthur." She said with a smile. Though she also seemed worried. She was probably worried I wasn't coming back.

I gave her a warm smile and used wind mana to jumped into the tree I was on while I was watching the men.

I landed on the branch and looked at the ice shell I created before. I dispelled the shell and grabbed the rainbow stone I left in the tree to keep it safe. Using wind magic I jumped back to the ground next to Tessia while also using wind magic to slow my fall.

I landed on the ground and looked at Tessia. "Ok, I got what I ne..." I stopped when I saw Tessia's face which looked like she just saw something impossible.

"Are you ok?" I asked while tilting my head.

"H-how did you do that?" Tessia asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You, you jumped really high in the tree!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, that! Ya I used magic, see!" I conjured a small fire ball in my hand. "I even used it to create that ice blade to cut your ropes, don't you remember?"

Tessia looked like she was in thought. "Oh ya, I forgot about that. But that's so cool! I wish I could use magic!" Tessia said as she stuck her hands out like she was trying to cast a spell.

Seeing her action gave me a good laugh. "What's so funny? Don't think I can be a mage?" She asked raising a brow.

I looked at her and and gave a smile. "I think you'll make a great mage, you just made me laugh a little. So thanks. I haven't really laughed in a long time." I said looking down.

Tessia seemed to blush at this, "y-you're welcome."

Holding the rainbow stone I walked over to the bag I packed and placed it inside.

"Alright then." I gave Tessia a smile. "Are you ready to go home?"

(Chapter 10, let me know what you guys think and point out any errors. Open to criticism!)

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