Chapter 70

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Aya Grephin POV

As the communication between King Alduin and me ended, I placed the communication device back into my dimensional ring. I looked around at the other Lances as we flew as fast as we could to Xyrus academy. None of us said much. We were all focused on the battle ahead, praying we got to the academy in time.

I looked towards Alea to see her looking straight ahead with a determined look. "Alea," I said, getting her attention.

Alea looked at me, and I motioned for her to come closer. Alea maneuvered herself, so she was flying next to me. "What is it?" Alea asked.

"I just spoke with King Alduin. He informed me Arthur and Tessia are no longer at the Helstea Estate. They're on their way to Xyrus academy as we speak. If not there already," I said in a dark tone.

Alea's eyes widened in concern, and she looked down. "We need to fly closer to the ground. Maybe they're still on the road to Xyrus academy, and if so, we can intercept them. Either way, we will get to the academy in the same amount of time," Alea said.

I nodded. "Sounds like a good idea; let's go," I said to Alea. I then looked at the other Lances. "Alea and I are going to fly closer to the ground," I said to them.

"Why?" Varay asked with a raised brow.

"Princess Tessia and Arthur Leywin are on their way to the academy as we speak. We have orders to keep them safe. Hopefully, they're still on their way to the academy, and we can intercept them before they get there," I said.

"Arthur Leywin. He's the one that attacked my brother, is he not?" Bairon said with narrowed eyes.

"You mean when he defended himself against Lucas? And don't forget, Lucas also attacked the elven princess," Alea said in a defensive tone. Bairon just scowled at both of us.

"Enough. We need to get to the academy. We don't have time to fight amongst ourselves. I say we all fly lower to the ground. We never know what we might see," Olfred said.

"Very well, let's go," Varay said as we all flew lower to the ground. I locked my eyes on the road to Xyrus Academy, hoping and praying to see Arthur and Tessia. I was hoping they weren't already at the academy.

As I scanned the road, my eyes fell on the sight of a battle long since over. The tree line was burnt, and a carriage laid in the middle of the road, destroyed. My heart stopped when I recognized the crest on the burnt door of the carriage. It was the Helstea crest. "That's a Helstea carriage! Arthur!" Alea yelled as we both flew down to the sight of the battle.

As I landed, I looked around and noticed two deceased individuals. One lay on the ground with his head smashed. The other had an earthen spike running through him between his legs, out the top of his head.

Using sensory magic, I detected faint amounts of mana from Arthur, Tessia, and Sylvie. I could also determine who the two dead individuals were, and my eyes went wide.

"On no," I said to myself.

"It's Clive Graves, and...." Alea said as her voice trailed off.

Suddenly there was a large flash of lightning as Bairon landed next to the dead body of his brother. Bairon slowly walked up to Lucas and stared at him with vengeful eyes. A large amount of bloodlust shot out from his core as lightning coiled around him.

"Is that his brother?" Varay said as she landed next to us.

"Yes," I said in a low voice.

"Bairon, calm yourself. We need to focus on protecting the academy," Olfred said as he levitated above us.

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