Chapter 52

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Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up in my room feeling well rested. Tess practically dragged me to bed last night, saying I needed to get some sleep since I looked so tired. To be honest, I don't think I realized how tired I really was. As soon Tess and I laid down, I fell asleep in her embrace.

Although, now that I lay here in bed, I noticed an emptiness, like something was missing. I moved my arm and felt an empty bed next to me. I opened my eyes, and looked to the left to see Tess wasn't in the bed.

"Tess?" I said, but got no response.

I slowly sat up, and looked around the room. I saw the bathroom door was open, and no one was inside. I noticed Sylvie wasn't in her usual place at the foot of the bed either.

'Did she get up already?'

I looked at Tess' pillow, and saw a folded piece of paper on top. I picked up the paper, and unfolded it to see it was a note left by Tess.

"Good morning. When you see this, I would have already left for the Helstea estate with Lilia. You looked really tired so I let you sleep in. When you wake up, come to the Helstea estate, we will be waiting for you. Love, Tess." I read.

*sigh* 'I guess she already left. I was hoping she would be here when I woke up, especially today of all days. But it's fine, I understand she wanted me to sleep in, she was concerned for me after all.'

I got out of bed, got washed up and dressed in a gray shirt and black pants. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs.

As I made my way to the first floor, I decided to check the disciplinary room. I opened the door and saw no one was inside.

'That's strange, usually someone would be in here, especially since it's the weekend.'

I was surprised Caera wasn't here since she has been doing a lot of paperwork with me lately to help me out. I probably would've gone insane already if not for her. She truly was someone I could rely on.

I walked over to my seat and saw the paperwork I was working on yesterday was more than halfway done.

'Caera must've worked on it after I went to sleep.'

I smiled, happy to know she helped out when she could. She really is the best. It's still pretty early so I had some time to burn.

'Maybe I should work on the paperwork.'

Then I thought about the note Tess left for me about going to the Helstea's once I woke up.

'I'll just save the paperwork for when I get back. I don't want to put everything on Caera's shoulders, it wouldn't be fair.'

I walked out of the SCDC building and made my way over to the academy gates. I was able to get a carriage at the gate to bring me to the Helstea estate.

"Thank you." I said to the driver as we arrived.

I exited out of the carriage and made my way up the steps. I opened the door and my eyes widened at the scene inside.

"SURPRISE ARTHUR!!!!" Everyone yelled as I entered the door.

"Happy birthday, Brother!" Ellie yelled as she ran into my arms.

I gave Ellie a warm hug, and smiled brightly as I looked at everyone inside. Mom, Dad, Grandma, the Eraliths, Alea, baby Lauriel, Sebastian, Aya, the Twin Horns, the Helstea's, and even the disciplinary committee members were all here.

I smiled brightly seeing everyone. "You're all here?!" I asked happily.

"Of course we are. We wouldn't miss your thirteenth birthday." Father said as everyone walked up to me and gave me a warm hug. I made sure to hug everyone individually thanking them for being here.

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