Chapter 12

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Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up in the tent after a nights sleep. I looked to my right, and saw the rainbow stone Sylvia got me. I felt happy knowing I've been keeping it safe, just as Sylvia asked me too.

I continued to look at the stone until I noticed I felt something clinging to my left arm. I looked to my left, and saw Tess had grabbed my arm while I was asleep. She was hugging my arm as if she was cuddling it like a stuffed animal.

Her gunmetal hair covered her face, and I could see some drool coming out of her mouth and falling onto my arm. I felt my face grow warm seeing her this close to me. I placed my arm on her shoulder and gently shook her.

"T-Tess, wake up, um we need to get m-moving." I said stuttering a little. Tess's eyes slowly opened as she woke up. She smacked her lips a couple times and gave a soft yawn. "Hmmmm, ok Art." She said.

Just a second later her eyes went wide as she realized the position she was in. She quickly let go of my arm swinging her arms out. *smack* Tess's left arm ended up hitting my face as she jolted away causing me to roll a little.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Tess almost yelled in a worried tone. I laid there for a moment still a little flustered thinking about what happened. After a few seconds I responded.

"N-no, don't worry about it Tess. I'm glad you um slept well." I said scratching my head sheepishly with my face still feeling warm. "Y-ya I slept ok. And sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." Tess said getting red faced.

I laughed at this a little bit remembering the slap. "Ya thanks for that. My face still hurts a little." Tess just looked to the side and pouted. "I said I didn't mean to."

I sat up and patted her head like my mom did for me, which seemed to put her in a better mood as I could hear her give off a soft hum. "Ok, let's get everything packed and get moving."

We then moved out of the tent, and I took down the tent folding it up. I grabbed the folded tent and the rest of the supplies and got everything packed into the backpack. I made sure to wrap the rainbow stone in a bedroll to make sure it didn't break. After everything was packed, we started moving again.

We continued our journey for the next couple of days. While I could see I was doing fine, Tess seemed to be dragging along a little, and looking a little tired. I couldn't tell if this was because of my half dragon body, or because humans are just born different. Either way, I was concerned for her.

As we continued our journey, we made some small talk. Tess asked me what the human city's were like. I didn't really know how to answer since I've never been to one. Tess explained what the elven city is like. It sounded nice, and peaceful to say the least.

Although, Tess would once in a while say how some of the elf children are mean and snobbish. I laughed at her words. "I-I don't know. They all can't be bad. You're an elf child, and I think you're pretty cool." I said with my face feeling a little warm. Tess blushed at my words and gave me a small light punch to my arm.

"W-what was that for?" I asked curiously. "Just because I felt like it, you big dummy." Tess said as she crossed her arms and looked up with a proud happy smile.

I couldn't help but smile and blush at her actions as we continued on. Eventually we came to a patch of trees, and there seemed to be a thick amount of mist here. I looked over at Tess who was looking at one of the trees.

Tess walked up to the tree and I followed behind her. She looked at me and gave me a look mixed of happiness, sadness, and hesitation. "We're here." She said.

I watched as Tess approached the tree, and placed both of her hands on the base of the trunk. Tess said a chant, and I could feel the tree taking in mana. I watched in awe as the fog around us was absorbed into the tree, and the tree split open.

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