Chapter 48

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Arthur Leywin POV


Tess and I look towards the sound of the voice, and I see Lucas standing a few feet away from us. Lucas' face was contorted in rage, and he glared at me with malicious intent. I could feel the bloodlust emanating from him that was  directed towards me.

"Lucas, what are you doing out here so late? You're supposed to be in your dorm." I said as I stepped in front of Tess in a protective manner.

Lucas just scoffed, "I heard a rumor that you'd be out here tonight, Leywin. How dare you! How dare you make a fool out of me like that today!"

I narrowed my eyes at him as he pulled out his staff from his dimensional ring. I pulled out Regret from my dimensional ring as well, knowing this wasn't going to end well. "Lucas, I apologize for what happened today in class. But I had no intention to humiliate you. It was a spar, the fact that you pe-."

"Be silent you bastard! You humiliated me! Me! A member of House Wykes! I will make you pay!" Lucas yelled with a voice of rage.

'This isn't good.'

I pulled out my disciplinary committee dagger from its sheath and activated it, hoping Claire was close by.

"Calm down Lucas. It's not too late to walk away. There is no need for violence." Tess said from behind me.


My eyes widened at this and I felt my blood boil. "Don't you dare speak to her like that!" I said as I dashed forward using Thunderclap Impulse. Lucas raised his staff and summoned a fire guardian in front of him.

I stopped just in front of the guardian and wrapped my sword in water. I swung my sword sideways, shooting forward an arc of water that clashed with the fire guardian. The wave of water and fire guardian dissipated in a cloud of steam. I thrust my hand forward shooting a cone of wind that carried the steam forwards. The cloud of steam hit Lucas as he yelled in pain.

A wave of fire erupted from Lucas before he conjured six fireballs above him. He shot the fireballs forward as I jumped back. I dodged three of the fireballs, but the other three adjusted course and flew at me.

I was about to dodge again when three wind blades flew past me and hit the fire balls dissipating them. I looked back and saw Tess with her staff out with a determined look. She shot me a smug smile and nodded.

Tess waved her staff and conjured four more wind blades above her and shot them at Lucas. I dashed forwards towards Lucas as he slammed his staff into the ground, creating a wall of fire. The wind blades collided with the wall of fire dissipating the wall. I closed in on Lucas as fire erupted around him in a cyclone. I jumped back just in time barely dodging the flames.

Lucas shot three fireballs at me, but I was too close to dodge in time. A wall of vines appeared in front of me blocking the attack. I smirked at this.

'That's my girl.'

The wall of vines burned away and I dashed to the side, as Lucas followed me with hateful eyes.

I watched Lucas as his eyes flicked to Tess, and he gave a sinister smile. He waved his staff in the air and two flame guardian's formed in front of Tess.

"Tess!" I yelled looking at her concerned.

"I'm good Art!" Tess yelled back and waved her staff in the air, creating four wind cyclones around her.

She shot the cyclones forward, hitting the flame guardians, destroying them. I smiled at this, happy she was ok. Tess looked at me and her eyes went wide eyed.

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