Chapter 55

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Tessia Eralith POV

We continued walking through the first floor of the dungeon until we got to a cavern. When we entered the cavern, we noticed a large number of snarlers hanging around the edges.

"Ok everyone, stay in your groups, and get into a circular formation. We will stay here for about an hour, or less if it gets too dangerous. I'll stay in the middle and keep watch on everyone. Understood?" Professor Glory said looking at everyone.

Everyone nodded and said they understood. Everyone moved away from the professor and got into a circular formation while staying in their groups. Art and I stayed pretty close, with him standing to my left, Claire to my right, and Curtis to his left along with Grawder.

As we took our formation, we watched as the snarlers noticed us, and started to charge towards us.

"Here they come!" Art said.

"They are fairly weak, so we should be fine." Curtis said.

"Still, fight together as a team, don't go off by yourself." I said.

If there is one thing I learned from going into the dungeons with Art, Sebastian, and Alea, it was to fight as a team, and never break formation.

As the snarlers closed in on us, Claire, Curtis, and Art wrapped their weapons in fire magic. I slammed my staff on the ground as vines shot up from the ground and wrapped around the charging snarlers. Claire, Curtis, and Art didn't hesitate to move in for the attack. With their flame augmented swords, they cut down the snarlers that were entrapped by vines. Grawder stayed close to Curtis and mauled a couple of the snarlers.

I noticed a couple more snarlers were running down the pillars of earth that touched the ceiling in the cavern. They dropped down from the pillars and began to charge at us. With the other three striking down the entangled snarlers, I created wind blades and shot them forward at the incoming snarlers.

I continued to created wind blades, killing the snarlers and keeping them off my group members as they stayed in close combat. With me being a ranged fighter, it was pretty easy to keep an eye on all of them. One of the snarlers jumped from a pillar towards Art. I shot up some vines catching the snarler mid air, and slammed him into another snarler in front of Art.

Art used his flaming sword to sever the heads of the two snarlers, and looked back at me shooting me a wink. I smirked as he went back to fighting the snarlers. I felt happy knowing I was able to protect Art. I may not be at the same core level, but my skills in battle helped make up the difference.

I noticed another wave of snarlers were making their way to us. Art, Claire, and Curtis noticed this as well and moved back to me. Grawder moved next to Curtis and took a defensive position.

"There are a lot of snarlers here." Claire commented a little concerned.

"Ya, I honestly didn't think there would be this many on the first floor." Art said.

"Just stick together, we will be fine." Curtis said.

"Tess, are you able to trap them like before? I have an idea." Art asked. I nodded as I slammed my staff into the ground. Vines shot up from the ground entangling the snarlers, who were trying to slash themselves free.

"Alright, Tess make a cyclone around the group of snarlers." Art said.

I looked at him confused until realization hit. "Firestorm?" I asked.

Art smirked and nodded. "You know me too well," Art said.

I winked at him as I spun my staff overhead, and a cyclone formed around the snarlers.

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