Chapter 60

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Tessia Eralith POV

A/N: part of this chapter is 18+ I will indicate where it starts. You can skip it if you feel uncomfortable.

I stood there in the white hallway hugging myself, feeling empty as tears fell down my face. It felt like my entire world was gone, in a way, it was. I felt my body start to shake, as I was about to have another mental breakdown, unable to handle what was happening.

As I stood there shaking, I felt someone pull me into a hug. "Shhh, I'm here sweetie. I'm so sorry." My mom said as she held me tight. I broke down crying again, as I wrapped my arms around my mom, and brought her into a tight hug.

"Merial, Tessia, it's time." Dad said in a low voice. Mom stepped away from me, and wiped the tears from my face. She brushed her hands down my black elven dress as she sighed. "Ok. Let's go." Mom said in a solemn tone.

Mom took my hand, as dad stood beside me as we walked to the door to the room. Dad opened the door and revealed several benches side by side filled with people, with an aisle in the middle, with a black rug. At the end of the rug was a casket. The three of us walked inside the room, and slowly walked down the aisle.

As we made it to the front of the room, I looked to my right, and saw the Leywins sitting in the front row, holding each other as they cried. I looked back at the casket, and saw gramps looking down at the body inside, as tears fell from his face. Grandpa turned to look at me, and gave a sigh.

He pulled me into a hug which I returned, I felt my eyes hurt from crying so much. "I'm sorry, little one." Grandpa said.

I sniffled as we broke the hug. Grandpa stepped out of the way so I could see the casket. I took a deep breath as I walked forward, and stood next to it with my eyes closed. Taking one more breath, I opened my eyes, and felt a dagger pierce through my heart.

Inside the casket was his body. The body of the boy I loved with all my heart. Art's, but he looked unscathed, almost like he was just asleep. I gently took my hand and ran my fingers through his auburn hair.

"I'm sorry. I should've fought harder. I couldn't save you, I'm sorry," I said.

I felt myself about to break again, so I turned to walk away when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around wide eyed and saw Art staring at me with blood leaking from his eyes and mouth.

I tried to pull my arm away but he pulled me closer as he sat up. His other hand wrapped around my throat and squeezed tightly, restricting my breathing. I tried to say his name, to call for help, but nothing came out.

"Why? Why didn't you save me?! Why weren't you there for me! You said you'd always be there for me!" Art yelled.

I mouthed that I was sorry, but no words came out. I became light headed as I slowly lost consciousness, and darkness took over me.

My eyes shot open, and I was breathing heavily. I looked around with just my eyes and noticed I was at the Helstea's, and my head was resting on Art's shoulder. Art laid there wearing his white T-shirt and gray pants, while I was in a white T-shirt, and gray cheer shorts. Tears of happiness formed in my eyes seeing him laying there peacefully, alive.

I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him tight. I didn't want to let him go, I was afraid what would happen if I did. Art has always meant so much to me, after the incident at the dungeon, it felt like I lost everything when I thought Art died.

As I laid there, I felt a hand gently caress my cheek. I looked up at Art's face and saw him looking at me with a smile. "You ok Tess, you're trembling," Art said as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in close to him.

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