Chapter 18

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Arthur Leywin POV

*2 years later*

I slowly opened my eyes after getting a good nights rest. Today was the day Gramps wanted to do a little test with Tess and me, to see how our combat skills are coming along.

I looked over to my left, and see Tess sleeping, her gunmetal gray hair covering her face while she used my shoulder as a pillow. Over these past two years, not a single night went by where Tess and I didn't sleep in the same room.

Tess is someone I've grown absolutely comfortable around, we do almost everything together. Some of the castle staff and citizens of Zestier make jokes saying we were particularly joined at the hip.

Over these past two years, Gramps has been training both Tess and I in combat skills, and mana manipulation. He's also been helping me with my beast will assimilation. Gramps said it's going remarkably well, probably because of my dragon body.

My mana core is now at light orange, with it still getting stronger everyday, since it basically purifies on its own. I've been helping Tess purify her core every night, and now she is at the light red stage. I also taught Tess the mana rotation technique Sylvia taught me, where you could absorb mana while on the move. However, we could only absorb about 30% of the normal amount while moving.

Tess was able to use wind magic, and unlocked plant magic not to long ago. Gramps introduced us to big sister Alea, who works with big sister Aya. Alea was a young fair skinned blonde hair blue eyed elf with a very nice personality, which put a smile on your face. Alea has been training with Tess on her plant magic, while Aya helped me to unlock sound magic.

Gramps has let Tess and I spar a couple of times, and I must say she has gotten really good. Though, every time we spar, I always get this warm feeling in my chest, and get a little distracted thinking about Tess.

Excited to see what kind of test Gramps has in store for us, I gently shook Tess' shoulder to wake her up. "Hey Tess, wake up, we have to meet Gramps soon." Tess grumbled and nuzzled her head against my shoulder.

I felt my face grow warm at this, and I felt that warm feeling in my chest again. I decided to have a little fun with Tess, and flicked her ear causing her to shoot up. "Ah, Art! What are you doing?!" Tess exclaimed as she lightly pinched my side. Tess pouted and crossed her arms looking away from me.

I laughed at her antics and sat up. I gently patted her head causing her to hum happily, putting her in a good mood. "Sorry princess, but I couldn't resist." I said while giving a soft laugh. Tess pouted at this, since I know she hates it when I call her princess.

Tess pinched my side again saying, "Tess. T.E.S.S. I swear Art if I have to remind you again." I hugged Tess before she could finish catching her by surprise. I could hear Tess hum again as she returned the hug.

"Ok." I said as I broke the hug. "We have to get ready for this test Gramps wants us to do. So let's go head and get dressed." Tess smiled at me while nodding her head. She got out of bed, and ran out of my room to go to hers to get ready.

After Tess left I got myself up, got washed up, and put on my training robes, which was basically a dobok, with a red top and black pants. I opened my bedroom door, and stepped into the hallway. As soon as I stepped into the hallway, I was tackled by none other then Tess. Luckily I was able to brace myself to keep us from falling to the floor.

"You ready Art?" Tess asked in excitement.

"As I'll ever be!" I replied as I took Tess' hand, which became a second nature to me. Tess and I ran out into the courtyard where we saw gramps waiting with three others. I recognized two of them as big sisters Aya and Alea. The third one I didn't recognize. He was a tall thin build muscular elf, who wore black leather armor with green trimmings. He had an obsidian colored rapier with gold trimming strapped to his back. He had white medium length hair, and sky blue eyes.

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