Chapter 91

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3rd Person POV

Tessia began to walk towards Arthur until she felt a hand grab her arm, holding her back. Tessia looked to her right, seeing Helen shake her head.

"I know you haven't seen him in a long time," Helen said before looking at the Alacryans standing before them with a narrowed gaze. "But we have a battle to win."

Tessia composed herself and nodded as she looked back to Arthur, whose focus was back on the Alacryans. Arthur stabbed the ground in front of him with Despair before placing both of his wrists on the hilt of his blade as he took a confident stance.

Jagrette continued to glare at Arthur and Regis with menacing eyes, wrapping her hands in a sickening green liquid while releasing the pressure from her core. The Trailblazers were still sweating from the pressure Jagrette was releasing. However, Arthur stood confidently, completely unaffected by Jagrette's pressure, which didn't go unnoticed by Tessia and the Trailblazers.

"Well, I take it that you are a retainer?" Arthur asked confidently.

"I am Jagrette, Retainer to Scythe Viessa of Alacrya. I suggest you put your sword down, and maybe I'll give you a quick death for your mutts insult!" Jagrette said venomously.

"Wow Regis, you really pissed her off," Arthur said as he chuckled a little.

"Well, maybe if she had a better skin care treatment, she wouldn't look like a bag of smashed ass," Regis said as he broke into laughter. Arthur smiled slightly at Regis' remark and playfully shook his head.

"That does it!" Jagrette hissed, and she flew up into the air.

Several of the trailblazers gasped as they backed away in fear. Others got into defensive positions, getting ready for Jagrette's attack.

"Art! Don't let her magic touch you! She uses corrosive magic!" Tessia yelled, concerned.

Arthur looked over his shoulder at Tessia and gave her a confident smile. "Don't worry; I'll be fine. I promise. Just stay behind me." Arthur said, giving Tessia a wink. Tessia grew surprised and blushed heavily at this, seeing the attractive confidence Arthur radiated.

Arthur looked back to Jagrette, seeing vine-like arms form around her hands. Jagrette waved her hands in the air, creating a corrosive cloud in front of her. Arthur lifted Despair from the ground and took a defensive stance. The Alacryans behind Jagrette watched anxiously, waiting to see what would happen next.

Jagrette thrust her hands forward, sending the massive corrosive cloud towards Arthur and the Trailblazers. Wind formed around Despair before Arthur swung Despair in a horizontal slash. A powerful stream of hurricane-strength winds flew out from Arthur towards the cloud and the Alacryans. The corrosive cloud quickly dissipated from the strength of Arthur's attack. The gust flew forward, crashing into the group of Alacryans, knocking them all back several feet before falling to the ground. Jagrette was blown out of the air and crashed into the ground in front of the Alacryans, creating a small plume of dust.

The Trailblazers all grew wide-eyed, seeing the power Arthur released, as they'd never witnessed someone of Lance level release such power. Tessia was in awe at seeing Arthur's power, but she also felt a sense of pride seeing how strong he had become.

The wind subsided, and the Alacryans slowly stood up from the ground. Fear and anger covered their faces as they all stared at Arthur. Several Alacryans fearfully backed away toward the hole where they came from. Suddenly, a corrosive cloud covered the fleeing Alacryans, and they fell to the ground. The Trailblazers watched in horror as the Alacryans screamed as their flesh slowly melted off their bones.

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