Chapter 72

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Arthur Leywin POV

A/N: Special thanks to Canassian for letting me use his OC

We were all walking through the halls of the floating castle. Tess, Mother, and I walked next to each other while I held Tess close in a side hug. Avier and Sylvie changed back to their owl and fox forms. Sylvie sat on my head while Avier sat on Grandma's shoulder.

Alea and Aya stood on either side of Mom, Tess, and me protectively, refusing to let Bairon near us. Bairon would occasionally glance in my direction with fierce eyes but would look away when Aya caught him.

As we walked through the castle halls, we finally made our way to a set of double doors. Varay stopped at the double doors and turned to face us. "Behind these doors are the council members. It would be best to act formally from this point forward," Varay said.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine," Alea said, smiling as she looked at Mom, Tess, and me. The three of us smiled and nodded at her. My eyes shifted to Grandma and Caera, who both looked nervous.

I looked back to Varay, who turned around, and pushed open the double doors. We all walked in, with Aya and Alea staying close to us. As we entered, my eyes scanned the room, and I saw all three royal families standing while looking down at us from their elevated seats.

My eyes flicked to Mother, Father, and Gramps, who all had smiles on their faces seeing Tess and I were ok. The Lances all bowed to the council, and we all followed suit.

"Lances. Post," Blaine said in a stern voice.

The Lances nodded and walked away from our group, and proceeded to stand behind their respective royal families.

"Arthur, Tessia, first and foremost, I am glad to see you're both ok," Father said with a smile, while Gramps and Mother nodded.

"Alice Leywin, although I do have questions about this power you used, you have my gratitude. Not only did you stop the threat and save the school, but also my daughter. Thank you," Dawsid said, with Glaudera nodding.

"Likewise. This council is in your debt. Thank you," Priscilla said.

"There is no need to thank me, Your Majesties. I know you have many questions, and I will answer all of them," Mom said.

The council nodded at this. "Arthur Leywin, my Lance tells me you have achieved white core. How?" Blaine asked in a monotone voice.

"Hahaha, I was surprised to hear that, brat; congrats! But I must say I am also intrigued to learn how you managed to get to white core," Gramps said with a smile.

"It was with the help of an asura, Gramps," I said. Everyone looked at me, surprised.

"What?" Gramps said, confused.

"Well, not long ago, I met an asura named Windsom in an old potion shop. He gave me three elixirs. I used one, which got me to the white core stage. Sylvie and Tess took the other two. Tess is now at high silver," I said, looking at Tess proudly.

Everyone looked surprised at this. "T-that's impossible. Why would an Asura give you such a gift?" Blaine asked in disbelief.

"Windsom, huh?" Mother said, raising a brow.

I nodded, "Ya, why?" I asked.

Mom just let out a small giggle. "Knowing him, he is probably here. You can come out now," Mom said, looking around.

"Mom? What are you talki-"

All of a sudden, the double doors behind us opened, and we all turned around as two figures walked in. I recognized one as Windsom. The other was an older, poised individual. Both of his eyes were closed, but he had a third unblinking purple eye in the middle of his forehead.

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