Chapter 100

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Arthur Leywin POV

"No, please! Please! Just let her go!" I pleaded desperately as I sat on my hands and knees.

Tears fell from my bloody face as the twin horns lay on the ground next to me, dead. Helen had been decapitated, Jasmine was impaled to the ceiling, Adam was cut in half, Durden was a burnt crisp, Angela's heart had been ripped out of her body, and Aaron had his skin pulled off his body.

My eyes flicked to my friends, Claire, Theo, Lilia, and Caera, as they had been mutilated and tortured. They all lay on the ground in pieces, hardly recognizable.

My eyes fell back to the large horned figure with black armor, who was holding Tess by her throat in his left hand. Tess flailed and gasped, trying to get out of his clutches.

"A-A-Art!" Tess managed to scream out.

"Listen to her scream! Listen to her beg for her life! This is because of you! Because you're too weak to face a Scythe!" The horned creature yelled with a sinister grin.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. My eyes fell to despair as it lay in front of me. I wanted to reach out and grab it, to fight back. But I didn't move an inch. My body was trembling because I was too scared; the scythes powers was overwhelming.

"Please. Just let her go. I'll do anything." I said through tearful gasps as I watched my fiancé gasp for air.

The Scythe just grinned as he stared down at me. Suddenly he burst out into a sinister laugh as I watched his grip on Tess' throat tighten. My eyes widened with anger and fear as I watched blood start to fall down her neck.

"Stop!!! Please! Stop hurting her!" I begged, reaching out to them.

The Scythe just gave a wicked grin as he stop laughing. He looked at Tess up and down, seeing her flailing and gasping for air, before he looked back to me.

"Very well. I will grant her a reprieve." The Scythe said.

I was filled with hope as I watched intently, waiting for him to let Tess go. However, my eyes flicked to his right hand as he raised it. Another grin formed on the scythe's face as she shoved his hand into Tess' chest. The sounds of flesh tearing and bones cracking echoed throughout the dungeon chamber.

"Nooooo!!!!!!!" I yelled.

Tess coughed up blood as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body became limp as the Scythe pulled his hand out, holding her still heart.

"There. She's now free from the pain!" The Scythe yelled as she burst into laughter.

He squished her heart in his hands as he tossed her limp body in front of me. My eyes followed Tess' body as it landed on the ground with a thud. My body was shaking as the noise in the room seemed to die down. I slowly crawled to Tess' body, reached my hand out, and gently brushed my fingers through her smooth, gunmetal gray hair.

As I gazed upon her lifeless body, it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Suddenly anger swelled within me as my eyes flicked to the Scythe, as he just gazed upon me with a toothy smile.

I quickly grabbed despair and launched myself, flying towards the Scythe. I wrapped despair in fire magic as I closed in on the scythe. I thrust despair forward, aimed at his chest. As the tip of despair touched his armor, the scythe quickly knocked despair away at a speed I couldn't comprehend. The scythe reached out and grabbed me by my neck.

I gasped for air as the Scythe tightened his grip on my neck and pulled me close. I could smell the stench of his stinking breath as his face was mere inches from mine.

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