Chapter 119

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Arthur Leywin POV

A wave of concern washed over me, hearing the seriousness in Helen's voice.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" I asked worriedly.

I could see Dad stiffen a little while Ellie looked at him, concerned. Boo nuzzled his head against Ellie as if reassuring her that everything would be okay. Tess looked at Helen worriedly but also with a sense of determination to face whatever was happening. Sylvie and Regis shared an uncurtained glance before looking at Helen.

Helen shook her head. "I'm not sure exactly. Alice has been ordered to go to General Elion, and they're also requesting your presence. They said it was imperative that you go there right away."

"Do you think this has to do with the next dungeon we're going to?" I asked.

"I highly doubt it," Helen said as she looked down and grabbed her chin.

"How come?" Dad asked curiously.

Helen looked up to see all of us giving her questioning looks. She sighed, "Whatever, not like you're not going to learn later. I'm not sure why, but Commander Virion has ordered no one else to be deployed from the wall. In fact, he's ordered all dungeon diving teams to return."

We all looked at her, surprised. Tess shot me a questioning look, and I looked down, contemplating what Helen said, trying to think of the reason why Gramps would take such drastic action.

'Could it be because of the scythes? Only one way to find out, I guess.'

I looked up at Helen and nodded. "Alright, I'll head over there at once. I'll find out what's going on."

"I'll go with you," Tess said.

"I'm sorry, Tess, but no," Helen said, getting our attention. "Alice and Elion were clear. It's just to be Arthur. No one else, not even the other captains are to attend."

Tess looked a little annoyed and opened her mouth like she was going to say something. I placed my hand on her shoulder, getting her attention. Tess looked at me with a raised brow, and I gave her a sympathetic smile.

"It's alright, Tess. I'll go see what's going on. Just stay here with everyone, and I'll return as soon as possible." I said, hoping she didn't get mad.

Tess sighed before she nodded and looked down. "I understand. Just don't be too long, ok?" Tess said, still looking down, but her eyes flicked up to me.

I smiled, staring into her beautiful eyes, which were slightly covered by her gunmetal gray hair. I chuckled as I carefully grabbed her chin with my right hand and lifted her head as a rosy blush formed on her cheeks. I leaned forward, pressing a gentle, loving kiss against her soft lips. Tess gave off a giggle before I pulled away, breaking the kiss.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise," I reassured.

Tess nodded before she took me into a hug, which I returned with a smile. My eyes flicked across the room, seeing everyone giving us a warm smile.

"Ah-em," I said as we broke the hug, and my face felt a little warm. "Sylvie, why don't you stay here with everyone."

"Will do, Papa," Sylvie said with a smile as she approached Tess. Tess smiled as she took her into a side hug.

I smiled, seeing them smiling in bliss while holding each other. I looked over to Regis, "Regis, you and I will go to the meeting."

Regis nodded, "You got it, Princess." Regis said as he jumped up in a shadow cloud and entered my chest.

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