Chapter 29

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Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up the following morning feeling Someone gently shaking me awake. I opened my eyes groggily, and looked to the person laying next to me. I smiled when I saw Tess laying there, looking at me with her beautiful emerald eyes.

"Good morning Art, did you sleep well?" Tess asked as she shuffled closer to me.

"I did, especially with you keeping me company." I replied with a smile.

"*giggle* I'm glad to see I can help you sleep." Tess said blushing a little.

"Ya, except for when you snore, it's actually quite nice having you next to me." I said teasingly. Tess pouted at this, and pinched my side. Tess rolled over so her back was facing me.

"I do not snore." Tess said in a pouting tone.

I laughed at this, and gently grabbed her arm to roll her onto her back. She continued to look away from, me until I leaned over and kissed her cheek. Tess smiled at this, and hummed happily putting her in a good mood.

"Well it looks like you're feeling better. Are you excited about today?" I asked.

Tess looked back at me smiling as she nodded. "I am, although, I don't know what to do. I'm attending this wedding, but no one has asked me to be their date." Tess said in a dramatic tone.

I just looked at her, and gave a small laugh. "Why my dear Tess. Would you do me the great honor of going with me to the wedding." I said to match her dramatics. I saw as Tess bit her bottom lip containing a smile. She turned her body towards me, laying halfway on top of me with us laying face to face. I could see she was blushing while she looked at me.

"Why yes my dear Art, I would love to." Tess said as she finally broke a smile, and leaned down gently giving me a kiss. I smiled and looked at her as we broke the kiss.

"I can never get used to that." I said happily. Tess giggled and gave me another kiss before she rolled off of me.

"Ok come on, we have to get ready." Tess said.

Tess and I both rolled out of bed, and I picked up Sylvie who was still half asleep. 'Five more minutes papa'. Sylvie said mentally in a tired tone.

'No can do Sylv, we need to get ready for today. And we need to wash up.' I said to her mentally.

'No! No shower! I don't need one!' Sylvie complained.

'You stink Sylv, and it's for a wedding. We need to look nice.' I said mentally.

I could feel Sylvie pouting mentally through our bond. Tess walked over, and gave Sylvie a pet which earned a happy "Kyu". Tess and I laughed, and I placed Sylvie on top of my head.

"Alright Tess, I'm going go get ready. I'll see you later." I said as I began to walk away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around, and was happily met by Tess who gave me one more kiss.

"One more goodbye kiss before you go." Tess said smiling as she broke the kiss. I smiled at her with my face feeling warm.

I walked out of Tess' bedroom, and closed the door behind me. I walked over to my room, and walked inside as I turned, still facing my door.

"Whew, woke up early enough so gramps didn't kn-"


"AHH!!" I yelled quickly turning around to see Gramps and two maids standing in my room, with a mannequin that was dressed up.

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