Chapter 3

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I was walking in pitch black. I couldn't see anything.

As I was walking I noticed that every time I put my foot down it sounded wet.

Was I walking on water? Am I in some damp cave or something.

I continued to look around but I saw nothing, nothing but darkness. I took a long breath through my mouth, and noticed something strange.

The air, it tastes..... metallic. I lifted my right arm and conjured a flame. What I saw shocked me beyond words.

Blood, blood all around me creating a layer of blood on the floor. I was begging to become sick from the smell as I looked around.

I didn't see anything, no walls, no doors. Where am I? As I looked around I saw what looked like a Silhouette of a man standing in the darkness.

I walked towards the man hoping he knew where we were. As I got closer the light from my fire ball shinned on the mans back. A back which I recognized.

The back of the man I looked up to the most, who was always there for me. Dad? I thought.

As I walked closer, I could see the features of the male as his back was turned away from me. It was him! Dad! I began to run to him and I yelled.

"Dad! Dad! It's me Arthur!!!!"

When I got closer to my dad he turned around to face me. When he turned around a shock of fear went through me.

I suddenly came to a stop, slipping and falling down into the blood. I looked up to my dad in horror. A hole in his chest, eyes missing, blood coming out of his eyes and mouth.

I tried to yell but I was motionless in fear as he slowly walked towards me. He opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was more blood.

I closed my eyes as I couldn't take it anymore, I turned around to run away opening my eyes to see where I'm going. When I turned around, I looked up and saw my dads eyeless face inches away from me.

Without another second he opened his mouth, and what came out was a blood wrenching scream that sent shivers down my spine. I quickly crawled backwards away from this...... thing that's not my dad. It, it can't be.

I managed to stand up as the thing looking like my dad kept watching me. I turned around to run when I ran into something.

I backed away slowly and saw the back of my mom. "Mom!" I yelled tears falling from my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and cried while saying sorry repeatedly.

Slowly I felt my mom turn around towards me. When my mom faced me, I looked up at her. I was met with the same horror I saw from my dad. Eyes missing, covered in blood, but, she was giving me a sinister smile.

I quickly let go of her and began walking backwards away from her and my dad.

"Why Arthur? Why did you have to leave the carriage? Why did you have to be a prodigy?" My mom asked in a low voice walking towards me.

"We wouldn't of been on the mountain if it wasn't for you." My dad said walking towards me as well.

"No, no, I'm...." I couldn't even finish a sentence. I fell down to my knees crying. They were right. This was my fault.

If I hadn't have awakened as early as I did, if I wasn't gifted in magic, this wouldn't have happened. We would still be in our house living peacefully.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry mom, dad. This is my fault. I wish I had never been born." I said as tears fell from my eyes.

I looked up and saw my disfigured parents looking at me with hole-less eyes. "You should've stayed in the carriage." My mom said.

"I could've saved him, I could've saved your dad. Why didn't you listen to me." My mom said coldly.

"I.... I don't know. I wanted to protect you mom, to be strong. To be strong like dad." I said through tears.

My parents are dead because of me, because I was born....... No, it's because I wasn't strong enough. If I had been stronger, I would've been able to help fight back.

I need to become stronger, so something like this doesn't happen again. I looked up to my parents who were standing inches away from me as I was sitting on the floor holding my knees.

I suddenly stood by and looked at both of my parents.

"Mom" I said through a voice of conviction. She looked at me a little surprised. "Thank you for raising me the best you could until now. I promise you I won't disappoint you as a son."

My mom suddenly had a look of surprise as her mouth slightly opened. I looked towards my dad and smiled. "Dad, you were the greatest dad anyone could've asked for." I said through tears as I remember him always being there for me. My dad tilted his head with a shocked expression.

I looked at both of my parents now and gave them a warm smile. "Mom, dad, I promise you, I will become stronger. I will become the son you always wanted me to be."

I looked down at my feet and closed my eyes as memories of my parents flooded into my mind. My dads charismatic attitude, my moms kind and caring personality.

I continued to look at my feet as tears fell from my eyes. "I promise you, both of you, I won't let any one get hurt because I was too weak ever again. I will become the strongest there is, and protect those who cannot protect themselves."

I continued looking down and closed my eyes. Picturing my parents and all the happy times we had together.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my right cheek. My eyes shot open as I looked up. My mom, as she was before, beautiful as always, staring at me with her brown eyes with a warm smile.

I felt a hand on my left shoulder as I saw my dad kneeling next to me. He also looked the same as I remembered him, as he gave me a kind smile and ruffled my hair.

"Arthur, we are already proud of you." My mom said.

"We have always, and will always love you, no matter what" my dad said.

"Become stronger, and be who you want to be, and always remember, we will always be with you." My dad said as he gave me a hug and faded away.

My mom leaned in and kissed my forehead, "goodbye my beautiful boy, and remember, we love you." My mom said as she faded away.

"Mom, dad!" I yelled repeatedly not wanting them to leave.

I fell down crying not wanting them to leave. As I felt my consciousness drift away from this place.




"Wake up child." I suddenly sat up and found myself in a cave. I looked around as I couldn't remember how I got here.

Where am I, how did I get here, who was calling me. All these thoughts were running through my mind when I heard the voice again.

"Hello dear child." I looked towards the voice and my eyes widened when I saw the figure before me.

Standing 32 feet tall (10meters), and has petrifying red eyes. It has two massive horns sticking out the sides of her head, arched down and around the skull, curving up to a point near the front. A sleek black armor decorates it's body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I yell and crawl backwards against the wall.

"It's alright dear child, I mean you no harm." The voice of this figure did not match its appearance, and she sounded almost, angelic.

"I am the one who saved you from the cliff, my name, is Sylvia."

(Chapter 3, let me know what you guys think and point out any errors. Open to criticism!)

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