Chapter 19

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Arthur Leywin POV

*1 year later*

I was laying down in my room, thinking about how excited I am about today. Gramps said he is going to help me activate my beast will, and afterwards we will have a spar to test my abilities. Since I have a dragons beast will he wanted to take precautions, since it is unknown what kind of power will be released once its been activated.

He had a couple mana barriers set up in the courtyard, and has asked Sebastian to come back to assist with any healing needed. I've seen Sebastian a couple of times now, mostly with Alea. I asked him for a spar one time, and he was nice enough to accept. Boy was that a mistake.

Sebastian's sword skills and speed were no joke. During our spar I couldn't even keep track of his movements. I don't think he's as fast as gramps, but a fight between the two of them would be interesting. Then I learned he also has a beast will, but I'm not sure what it is since he didn't use it. It wasn't until later I learned Sebastian was a mid silver core Lieutenant in the elven special forces.

He and Alea seem really close to each other, and Aya would always tease them. Aya would talk with Sebastian, and be nice enough to invite him over to her place for some exercise or something. This would only upset Alea, and cause Sebastian to laugh and comfort big sister Alea.

I've become really close with Merial and Alduin, who asked me to call them mother and father. Gramps laughed at this saying I'll be his grandson-in-law soon enough. Aya explained to me the whole concept of dating and marriage. Although, I was still confused about the whole idea of what she called submission and domination.

Two months ago, mother suggested to Tess and I that we sleep in our own rooms, something about growing up and getting older. Tess and I weren't happy about it since I was used to having her next to me. Plus, with her sleeping next to me, she always seemed to give me a sense of safety. Tess and I would still try to sneak into each other's room, but big sister Aya would always catch us. She could really be annoying sometimes.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of my door opening. I looked up from my bed in time to see the sight of a gunmetal gray haired elf jump up and land on my chest. "Ah! Tess! What are you doing?" I said while laughing.

"Coming to make sure you're awake silly!" Tess said happily as she rolled off and laid next to me.

Tess laid her head on my left shoulder, while I flicked her in the forehead. "Ow, what was that for?" Tess asked in a betrayed tone.

"For jumping on me obviously." I said playfully while patting her head getting a happy hum out of her.

Tess then looked at me and sat up. "Are you ready for today?"

I nodded at her while I sat up as well.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"As ready as I'll ever be."

I said while Tess mimicked me at the same time, since she knew that's what I always say. Tess and I both giggled. "Alright, I better get up, get washed, and get dressed. You're welcome to go wait with gramps and I'll meet you there." I said.

"No that's ok, I'll just wait outside your room. Just don't take too long." Tess replied with a smile as she jumped out of the bed, and walked out of the room closing the door. I smiled knowing I secretly wanted her to wait for me.

I got out of bed, got washed up, and changed into my training attire. After I got dressed, I walked to my bedroom door. But I stood to the side of the door as I opened it. When I opened the door, I watched as Tess flew inside and landed on the ground in a failed attempt to tackle me. "Hahahahaha, got you!" I laughed as I watched Tess elegantly stand up while brushing herself off.

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