Chapter 26

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A/N: another chapter? Well I've been getting bullied by another author for the amount of drafts I have. You know who you are 😑. So here's a double upload. Enjoy!!

3rd person POV

"Raaaaawwwwwwrrrrrrrr!" The forest queen yelled as it slammed its arms into the ground. A tsunami of vines shot out from the ground and the walls as they shot towards us.

"Art firestorm!!" Tess yelled.

Arthur and Tessia combined wind and fire magic creating a fire vortex around the four of them in a protective barrier. The flames burned away the vines that shot at them. Vines from the floor wrapped around Arthur's legs, and quickly lifted him into the air.

"Whhaaa!!" Art yelled.

"Art!!" Tess yelled in a panic.

The fire vortex lost its shape as Arthur was lifted into the air. Sebastian activated the first phase of his beast will again, and dashed forward cutting the vines from Arthur. Arthur fell towards the floor, and used wind magic to push himself mid air to safely land next to Tess.

"I'm good Tess, don't worry!" Arthur yelled.

Alea shot out multiple blades of water that flew towards the forest queen, creating multiple cuts. The cuts quickly disappeared as the vines repaired themselves.

"Alright this isn't good. Alea, no more holding back!" Sebastian yelled as he activated his second phase of his beast will. Talons of wind formed on Sebastian's hands, and his wind armor became more defined.

Alea gave a nod and created a water cyclone around her. She waved her plant sword shooting water blades in all directions, slicing multiple vines as they shot out of the walls and the floor. Sebastian dashed forward towards the forest queen, slicing vine after vine as they shot towards him. As he got near the queen, the queen yelled sending out a huge blast of wind that knocked Sebastian back.

The queen waved its arms creating multiple spears of wind. The spears shot forward towards the four adventurers fighting for their lives. Alea created a water barrier around her blocking a spear. Sebastian evaded a spear as it crashed near him. Tessia and Arthur created a wind barrier together protecting them from the forrest queens attacks.

Alea launched several beams of high pressurized water at the forest queen, creating several large holes. The holes quickly repaired themselves at a fast rate. Alea gritted her teeth at seeing this. Tess looked at the forest queen wondering if there was even a way to take it down. Suddenly, Tess felt a presence emanating from Arthur.

Tess looked at Arthur in awe, as golden runes spread across his skin. She's already seen him activate his beast will once before, yet she was still in awe by his power.

"Art?" Tess said worriedly.

"Tess, keep up the defensive tactics. I'm gonna help them take it down!" Arthur yelled.

"No!! Stay back!" Alea yelled.

"No can do sis, we are in this fight together!" Arthur yelled back.

" But-"

"Enough! He's right Alea, it's a forest queen, it's all or nothing now!" Sebastian yelled as he continued to dodge the forrest queens attacks.

Arthur dashed forward with thunderclap impulse, wrapping his sword in wind and fire magic. Alea created several rotating wheels of water, that shot towards the forest queen.

Sebastian created several wind bullets, and shot them at the forest queen.

Vines shot forward towards the three attackers. Tessia spun her staff creating several wind blades, shooting them forward cutting down the vines keeping her partners safe.

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