Chapter 46

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Arthur Leywin POV

I was currently walking around the campus doing my normal patrol since I was caught up in paperwork. Walking around feeling the fresh air was nice, especially since my brain was practically fried. There have been a lot more incidents lately with students, mostly nobles messing with people who were of a different race. Most of the nobles still believed the other races shouldn't be at Xyrus. Just the other day, some nobles broke into another student's room and set his bed on fire just because he was an elf.

The nobles thought it was harmless fun since no one was hurt. Their families weren't too happy when I recommended their suspensions which was accepted by Grandma. As I walked around, I noticed a lot of the students stared at me, some in awe, some in fear. I was used to all of the stares by now, but it always got a laugh out of me when they would look away when I made eye contact with them.


I looked behind me and saw Caera approach me with a clipboard in her hand.

"What is it Caera?" I asked with a smile.

"May I walk with you for a bit? There is something I would like to discuss." Caera asked.

I nodded, "Of course, how are your patrols going?" I asked as we walked around.

"They're going good, but that's also what I wanted to talk to you about." Caera said as she flipped through her papers on her clipboard.

"I've been looking into the incidents lately, and have noticed something peculiar." Caera stated. I stopped walking and looked over her shoulder at the clipboard.

"What is it?" I asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Well, I corresponded the recent incidents with our patrol routes, and patrol times. All of them either occurred either outside of our patrol areas, or outside our patrol times." Caera said matter of factly.

I leaned closer to get a better look at the papers. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Caera blush a little. "Hmmmm, this is actually a little concerning. May I?" I asked as I reached a hand out.

She looked at me for a second and smiled while nodding, "Of course." Caera handed me the clipboard, and I looked at the papers more carefully.

Caera was right, over the past few weeks there have been a rise in the incidents, and it seems they've known where and when to strike.

"Hmmmm, this is concerning. Ok, Caera come with me." I said as I started walking, with Caera following me without hesitation.

"Where are we going?" Caera asked with a smile.

"To the disciplinary committee room. We need to come up with something. Maybe alter patrol routes or..." My voice trailed off thinking about options.

"Tree." Caera said.

"What?" I said as I looked up from the clip board and immediately ran into a tree. "Ow!" I yelled as I held my nose.

"HAHAHAHAHA, I tried to warn you." Caera said as she laughed.

I just looked at her laughing and couldn't help but smile a bit.

'She does have a cute laugh.'

"Well I'm glad you think that was funny, because I will not being doing that again." I said with a slight laugh.

"I don't know, you looked pretty good there for a second Captain." Caera said as she mimicked my motion of when I ran into the tree, and burst into laughter again.

I could see tears form in her eyes from laughing so much. I let out a huff and flicked her head. "Ow! That was completely unnecessary." Caera said with a pout and she crossed her arms.

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