Chapter 31

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Cynthia Goodsky POV

When I spoke with Virion about Xyrus academy opening to all races, he was very excited. But when he mentioned his disciple who was a human, I was a little surprised. Then he went to tell me how he is incredibly talented, and his abilities will leave me shocked. I will admit my interest was piqued.

When Tessia Eralith and this boy Arthur Leywin exited the carriage, I was surprised by Tessia's growth with her being light yellow at twelve years old. But Arthur.... initial silver with cracks at eleven? I was definitely in shock, what kind of training did Virion put these two through. I was very eager to test this boy, see what he is capable of.

"Gramps said you wanted to test me, but I didn't think you'd want to spar." Arthur said a little confused.

"Well there is no better way to test someone's potential, then to do it personally. And if you're worried about me being injured don't worry, I am a light silver core mage after all." I said. Arthur and Tessia both looked surprised at this.

"Alright Cynthia, if you want to spar, I'd be happy to show you what I'm capable of. Besides, what better way to show the director of Xyrus academy what the new DC captain can do." Arthur said with a shrug.

"Splendid. And don't try to hold back Arthur, I intend to go all out." I said trying to make sure he shows all of his abilities.

Tessia looked a little worried at this, and looked at Arthur. She's probably worried I will hurt him.

"Art, please don't hurt her." Tessia said, which caught me by surprise.

What? She's worried he will hurt me? Just what is he capable of? Now I'm even more intrigued. Arthur just smiled, and gave her a nod.

"Shall we?" I asked pointing to the arena.

Sylvie jumped off of Arthur's head, and into Tessia's arms. Arthur and I made our way to the arena, and stood a few feet apart.

"Now Tessia, would you be a dear and activate the mana barrier." I asked.

Tessia nodded, and walked over to the control panel, and activated the barrier. Once the barrier was up, I looked over at Arthur.

"Are you ready?" I asked. Arthur nodded and pulled out a beautiful emerald sword. I looked at it in awe. I could sense the mana from it.

"What a unique sword. Does it have a name?" I asked.

Arthur looked deep in thought for a minute, before he answered. "Regret."

I looked at him a little surprised. "What a dark name for a beautiful blade." I said.

"My friend Sebastian suggested it, and it kind of stuck." He replied with a shrug. I nodded at this, and looked at Tessia.

"Ok Tessia, please give us a countdown." I said to her. Tessia nodded and raised her right hand. I watched as Arthur got into a fighting stance. I readied myself as well.

"Three, two, one, let the battle commence!" Tessia yelled as she waved her arm down.

Suddenly Arthur dashed forward shrouded in lightning. My eyes widened at his speed. I shot out a pulse of sound magic at Arthur, but he just maneuvered by jumping to the side. He suddenly jumped into the air right above me using wind magic. So he has wind and fire attributes, with a deviant in lightning.

I quickly moved out from under him, and shot out another pulse of sound magic towards him. Arthur pushed himself out of the way midair with wind magic. He landed feet first on the ground a few feet away from me, and stomped his left foot on the floor. A chuck of earth popped up in front of him. My eyes widened at this. A tri-elemental?

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