Chapter 53

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Virion Eralith POV

The council was currently in session with everyone talking about recent and future events. I just sighed and rubbed my temples.

'It is way too early for this, I haven't even had breakfast yet.'

Luckily things have been going pretty smoothly, although, Blaine was obviously a little irritated with us. He wouldn't say what, but from what I gathered he's been asking a lot of questions about Arthur lately. If I had to guess, I would say he was upset he couldn't have Arthur under his thumb.

I smiled a little thinking about Arthur. He is growing up to become a good man. I've never seen Arthur look at any other girl the way he looks at Tessia. Not even that Caera girl who couldn't take her eyes off Arthur during his birthday party.

'Ha, like she ever had a chance.'

I still remember when Arthur first started living with us. Tessia was the one thing that always made him feel better when he was sad. And, Arthur was there for Tessia, making her feel happy when no one else could. I am truly glad they found each other, even though it was during the worst of circumstances.

"You ok, Father?" I was knocked out of my thoughts by Alduin who was looking at me as he sat next to me.

"Bah, I'm fine. Just tired of politics." I said.

Alduin just smiled. I could see Merial give off a little laugh hearing us.

"I'm sorry are we interrupting you?" Blaine said looking at us.

I just looked at him irritatedly, "Sorry for interrupting you Blaine. I'm sure whatever you were saying was very important." I said sarcastically, getting a laugh out of Dawsid.

Blaine just shot Dawsid a look. "Oh don't get your panties in a bunch Blaine. He's just teasing you." Glaudera said smirking. Blaine just let out a huff and looked to his side.

"What is it you were saying Blaine?" Merial asked with a smile. Blaine just looked back and took a breath.

"I was talking about the Aurora constellate that'll be coming up soon. Since we were planning on having a festival in Xyrus, I wanted to make sure you had vendors prepared." Blaine said.

"Yes we do. You will have the best vendors from Darv. You will not be disappointed." Dawsid said.

"We also have vendors prepared. They will be arriving in Xyrus a week before the constellate to set up." Alduin said.

"Good, now for the next topi-"

Suddenly, the doors to the council chamber opened and I looked to see Captain Olorin Araric enter.

'What's he doing here?'

"What is the meaning of this? Can't you see we are in session?" Blaine said with irritation.

I could see Aya smirk at the captain, but he didn't smirk back, instead he looked at Alduin with a serious face.

'This can't be good.'

Captain Araic took a knee and began. "Forgive the intrusion your majesties. But I have come with pertinent news." Captain Araric said.

"What is it, Olorin?" Alduin asked a little concerned.

"During the changing of the guard for Clive Graves, it was discovered the two sentries who were placed on him were murdered." Captain Araic said.

"What?! By whom!" Alduin yelled standing up.

"The assailant is not known at this time. There were no witnesses. None left alive that is. But it was clearly a powerful fire mage." Captain Araic replied.

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