Chapter 5

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Arthur Leywin POV

(A/N: what did you guys think about the Tessia/Agrona art posted by TurtleMe?)

I slowly opened my eyes after having a nights rest. I began to sit myself up when I heard a voice right next to me.

"Good Morning."

"Whaaaaa!!!" I yelled looking quickly to my left, seeing Sylvia kneeling down just inches away from me.

"Hahahaha, sorry I didn't mean to scare you child." Sylvia said with a warming smile.

"How are you feeling, did you sleep well?" Sylvia asked.

I would be lying if I said I did. I kept having dreams about my parents. Remembering all the good times we spent together. Though I cherished the memories, it still left a stinging pain in my heart.

"Not really, I kept dreaming about my parents." I said looking down. "I miss them, and just wish they were still here".

Sylvia patted me on the head and sat next to me. "I know child, but sometimes there are something's that are out of our control. I can see the guilt and pain on your face when you speak about your parents. I know you blame yourself for what happened. But you shouldn't."

"How can't I, the only reason we were on the mountain in the first place was because of me. Because my parents wanted me to get a teacher to help with my magic and skills."

Sylvia pondered this statement for a second. "Yes, perhaps they were on the mountain because they wanted to get you a teacher. But, you are not the one who commanded those bandits to attack you. You fought to protect your family. They loved you Arthur. The last thing they would want is for you to blame yourself."

I looked at her and thought about what she said. She was right, my parents wouldn't want me to blame myself for what happened. They would want me to be happy, and stay safe. "I guess you're right, I still miss them though."

"And nothing will be able to replace them in your heart dear child. You will miss them, and always remember them. Just don't hold onto any guilt, and move forward with the intent on being the son they would be proud of." Sylvia said while patting my head again.

"Thank you Sylvia, for everything." I smiled.

"Don't thank me yet child, I still have to fulfill your parents wishes."

I looked at Sylvia confused. "What do you mean?"

Sylvia stood up and walked to the center of the cave and sat down facing me. "I'm going to be your teacher, and show you how to use mana manipulation. I will also show you how to use your magic defensively and offensively, so you can protect yourself and others."

I stood up at Sylvia's words with my eyes open wide. "You're really able to help me Sylvia? You can help with my magic?"

"Of course child, I'm not just some black armored monster you know, and I have some useful knowledge." She said with a grin.

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head. "Sorry for calling you a monster Sylvia."

"Hahaha it's quite alright dear child. Now tell me, what do you know about magic and fighting so far?"

I looked at Sylvia and explained how my mother told me how to absorb mana. How my father taught me how to wield fire in my fists and shape it into a weapon. How the Twin Horns helped me in fighting skills during our trip.

"I see, did they tell you about the mana cores?" Sylvia asked.

I looked at her dumbfounded. "Is that some sort of group?"

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