Chapter 68

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Arthur Leywin POV

I stood beside Tess as we stood side by side against our two assailants. My eyes flicked between Lucas and Clive, noticing how they'd changed. They both had veiny, pale skin and were sweating profusely. But the main difference was they definitely felt stronger than when I last saw them.

"Go, get out of here," Tess said to the carriage driver, who stood and ran off.

"Can't say it's good to see either of you again. What the hell happened to you two? You both look like crap," I said in a dark tone.

Both Clive and Lucas gave off sinister grins. "We've obtained a greater power than you could ever imagine. A power that will allow us to bring whoever opposes us to their knees," Lucas said.

"It's a power that a commoner like you and a defiled princess like her don't deserve to have," Clive said.

"A self-centered, arrogant bastard like you doesn't deserve any power," Tess said as she scowled at Clive.

"Shut up," Clive said as his eyes narrowed at Tess, and he looked her up and down. Clive then gave us a lewd smile. "You know since Arthur already had a piece of you. He wouldn't mind if we had a taste ourselves, right?" Clive said as Lucas snickered.

I protectively stepped in front of Tess and watched as she took her bladed staff out of her dimensional ring. Sylvie jumped off Tess' shoulders and stood in a defensive pose.

"You'll touch her over my dead body," I said murderously.

"Oh, that can be arranged. To be honest, I'm glad you're going to fight us. It would've been boring if we just knocked you out or you surrendered. Now, we have an excuse to bring your broken body to Draneeve," Lucas said.

"Draneeve? Who the hell is that?" I asked.

"He's the one currently laying siege to your precious academy and killing your friends as we speak. Don't worry; you'll meet him soon enough," Lucas said as he and Clive readied their spells.

My eyes went wide as I comprehended what he had just said. "Sylv, Tess, don't hold back; we need to get to the academy," I said urgently as Tess nodded.


3rd person POV

Arthur conjured an ice sword and dashed toward Lucas using Thunderclap Impulse. Lucas raised his hands, and a raging wall of fire formed between them. Arthur jumped back, wrapping himself in icy wind due to the intensity of the heat.

"What's wrong? Can't handle a little fire?" Lucas said while laughing.


Clive knocked two arrows on his bow as he looked at Tessia. "I guess it's just you and me, you little elven slut," Clive said as wind formed around his arrows.

However, before Clive could pull back his bowstring, Sylvie glowed and transformed into her dragon form. Clive looked up at her in fear and stepped back a little.


Sylvie roared at Clive, knocking him on his ass while he backed away on his hands and feet as yellow liquid escaped from his pants.

Tess smashed her staff on the ground, and vines wrapped around Clive. Tess willed the vines to tighten around Clive and watched as they pinned him to the ground on his back.

"You've gotten stronger, you little bitch," Clive said strenuously as he desperately tried to get out of the vines.

Clive looked up in fear as he watched Sylvie walk over to his trapped body as she glared at him with her dragon eyes. "No one talks about my mama like that," Sylvie growled as she lifted her right arm.

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