Chapter 24

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Arthur Leywin POV

1 year later

I woke up in the room we were renting at the Dragonspire Inn in the beast glades. I looked over to my left and saw Sebastian laying in the bed opposite of mine. After Sebastian and Alea caught Tess and I sleeping in the same tent together, they wouldn't let us even pitch our tents next to each other.

Sebastian told me that if he caught Tess and I sleeping in the same tent again, he would break all my fingers one by one, and heal them all afterwards to repeat the process one hundred times. I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not, but Tess and I stayed out of each others tents after that since we didn't want to risk it.

I got out of the bed I was laying in, and got dressed into my adventurers gear. Sebastian was still sleeping so I quietly left the room, and walked to the dining area of the inn. I sat down at one of the tables, and one of the brunette waitress' approached me.

"Hello, care for some breakfast? I can have our cooks whip you up an omelet." She asked energetically.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes please, that would be nice." I said.

The waitress smiled and walked off. I looked around the inn, and noticed several adventurers sitting around different tables talking about their recent dungeon dives. I tried to listen to what they were saying.

"Ya, the boarman charged right at us, luckily our leader had a spear and skewered the damn thing."

"Those water serpents are no joke. One of them bit off my buddy's manhood while he was relieving himself." I cringed at hearing this.

"Well it wasn't my fault. Who wouldn't wanna ride a hellhound."

"We almost didn't make it out of the dungeon last week, luckily we were diving with the Twin Horns."

I froze at hearing this. My body stiffened and my mind was racing, thousands of thoughts were going through my mind every second. The Twin Horns are alive? Will they even remember me? Do they blame me for what happened to my parents? What will happen if they run into me? Can I even face them?

I closed my eyes tightly as I felt tears forming in my eyes. I physically facepalmed myself while rubbing my temples. Memories of the bandit attack came racing back to me.

My dad with a sword in his chest.

"Arthur, I will always be proud of you."

My mother screaming at me with tears in her eyes.

"Arthur, I told you to stay with the carriage!"

Helen yelling at us to run.

"Alice, take Arthur and run!"

Adam helping us escape.

"Alice, I've created an opening, now go!"

Mom laying there will arrows protruding out of her back.

"I can't lose you too!"

I felt myself grow sick. My emotions were swirling like a storm within me. My breathing was staggered as my heart beat rapidly in my chest. I couldn't take it anymore, I was about to mentally break.


I was broken from my thoughts as I heard a soothing voice. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked up at Tess standing over me.

Tess had a smile on her face that quickly faded once she saw my tears. Tess quickly sat down on the bench next to me and pulled me into a hug.

"A-Art, what's wrong?" Tess whispered in my ear concerned.

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