Chapter 87

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Virion Eralith POV

"Is this the monthly casualty report?" I asked as I looked over the paper in my hands.

"Yes, our defenses are stretched thin. The Alacryans gain more ground every day." Buhnd said, clenching his fists in frustration.

I sighed as I looked over the paper. More than five hundred were killed and seven hundred wounded. The Lances were putting up a good fight, slowing the Alacryan advance. They were even able to achieve a few victories.

However, those damn Retainers are proving to be a bigger problem than we anticipated. The worst part is we haven't even encountered a Scythe yet. I don't even want to know how strong a Scythe is.

"Maybe we should send in the rest of the Lances," Pricilla suggested.

"If we do that, we will have no Lances in Sapin or Elenoir," Alduin said.

"Sapin and Elenoir aren't under attack. Darv is." Buhnd argued, with his eyes narrowing on Alduin.

"We can't leave Sapin and Elenoir defenseless. We already have four Lances in Darv. If we send in the last two, the Retainers can and will wreak havoc in Sapin and Elenoir." Merial said, giving Buhnd a sympathetic look.

"What about Elion? Send him to assist." Buhnd said.

"Elion is in charge of the wall's defense and the Beast Glades. I cannot send him to Darv. If anything, we can send more troops from both kingdoms." I sighed.

"Damn it! We have four lances in Darv, and they haven't been able to kill one single Retainer! What exactly have they been doing?!" Blaine yelled.

"These retainers are far stronger than we anticipated. The Lances are giving it their all. But, if you think you can do a better job, then why don't you join them." Alduin said as Blaine glared daggers at him.

"Enough! We can't afford to argue amongst ourselves." I said sternly.

Blaine sighed in frustration, "I just don't understand why the Lances are having such a difficult time with the Retainers. What makes them so powerful?"

"Their Vritra blood, the blood of an Asura." Our heads snapped to Lord Aldir as he entered the room. We all stood up, and he stopped in front of us.

"Lord Aldir, it's a pleasure to see you again," I said with a slight bow.

"Where have you been?" Blaine asked rudely.

My eyes snapped to Blaine, glaring at him for his rudeness.

"In Epheotus. We were discussing the recent events of the war. I also checked in on Lady Sylvie. Please, sit." Lord Aldir said, and we all took our seats.

"How is she? When will she come back?" Merial asked curiously.

"She is doing fine. Her training is coming along quite nicely. Lady Myre and Lord Kezess have been training her together. Her power has grown exponentially. As for when she comes back, it is unknown." Lord Aldir said.

"Well, the sooner she comes back, the better. We could really use a dragon on our side." Blaine said.

Lord Aldir looked at Blaine, "Lady Sylvie cannot fight in this war without Arthur Leywin with her."

"What? Why not?" Blaine asked rudely.

"Blaine," I snapped, tired of his attitude.

Lord Aldir motioned with his hand, waving away my concern before looking back at Blaine, "Because it will break the treaty."

"What treaty?" Bund asked.

"The treaty between the Asura. We made it to protect all of you. The treaty states that no Asura shall participate in the war. However, because Lady Sylvie was bonded to Arthur before the war began, she is an exception. As long as she fights alongside him, that is." Lord Aldir said.

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