Chapter 37

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Tessia Eralith POV

It was the day before school started and the entire student council was currently in the student council room. We were going over plans for future events, living assignments, and what to say at the assembly.

"So what can we do to make everyone feel welcome to Xyrus, and help everyone introduce themselves?" I asked. I looked around the room and saw as everyone was thinking about ideas.

"We could do an event, and invite everyone, a sort of get together." Jarrod suggested with a shrug.

"We are already getting everyone together for an assembly." Clive said flatly.

"No, I mean like a social event. Where people can talk and have fun, instead of just sitting there and listening to us." Jarrod replied.

"Did you have anything in mind?" I asked curiously.

"Maybe like a huge dinner or something?" Jarrod suggested in a questioning tone.

"That sounds dumb, so we just all sit down, eat and chat?" Clive said in a condescending tone.

"What about a dance!" Lilia suggested excitedly.

"Oh that's a good idea!" Jarrod replied, matching her excitement. Lilia and Jarrod locked eyes for a second, before Lilia looked away with a blush.

"Hmmmm, a dance does sound kind of nice." I said, placing my hand to my chin thinking. Plus this way, I could dance a little with Art. A smile graced my face at the thought.

"A dance? Why?" Clive asked, raising a brow.

"Why not? It's a good social interaction. Everyone can talk to each other, dance and have fun." Lilia said excitedly.

"We can also have food and drinks, and music since it is a dance after all." Jarrod stated.

"Hmmmm, I guess it's not the worst idea. Everyone would be invited I take it?" Clive asked.

"Of course, it's to let everyone meet each other after all." Lilia said with a shrug.

"Then it's settled, we will have a dance. We will need to start planning this now. We need to think of a good day." I said in a monotone voice.

"How about the first weekend? This way everyone can enjoy themselves after a week of introductions from staff and classes and just relax." Jarrod said matter of factly.

"Good idea, now the best place to hold the dance is probably the cafeteria. We will have all the tables put away, except for a few for the food and drinks." I said matter of factly.

"We will also need to get a band to play for us." Lilia said.

"That's true, Clive, I want you to start looking at bands, and see which ones are available. Preferably a nice one please. I will work on the food and drinks. Lilia, work on the decorations. Jarrod, I need you to go through the budget and make sure we can afford everything. After we have everything planned out, and we ensure we are good money wise, I'll bring it to the director for approval." I said matter of factly.

"What about apparel?" Lilia asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, is it going to be like a dance party, or a formal dance?" Lilia asked.

"Hmmmmm, I was thinking formal, what about all of you?" I asked.

"I'm good with formal." Jarrod said. Lilia nodded smiling.

"I'm fine with it." Clive said almost like he didn't care, while shrugging his shoulders.

"Good, I will speak with Captain Arthur about this so he can set up security plans, then we can have a joint meeting about it." I said.

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