Chapter 113

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Arthur Leywin POV

'Papa, I don't like this.' Sylvie said mentally, in a concerned tone.

I was sitting on the corner of the bed, finishing up getting ready. I quietly slipped my left foot into my boot, trying not to wake up Tess. I looked at Tess, who was sleeping peacefully in our bed, and smiled a little, seeing a tiny bit of drool coming out of her mouth.

I didn't tell Tess that I would be leaving to speak with a scythe. I didn't need her to know I was possibly walking into an ambush since she had enough to worry about. Lilia's death hit her hard, and she had difficulty falling asleep last night. I made sure to hold her close until she finally managed to fall asleep.

'I know Sylv. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. But I need to meet with her. If I have a chance to end this war, I have to take it.' I said mentally.

I looked over towards Sylvie, who was standing near the entrance to the tent. She had her arms crossed and stared at me with a worried look.

'Allow me to come with you at least. This way, I can help you fight in case it is an ambush.' Sylvie pleaded.

'No can do Sylv. I need you to stay here. With me gone, the Trailblazers will lose their best defense. With you here, I know that they will have some protection. Plus, we have our mental connection. If something happens, you can let me know mentally, and I'll portal back immediately.' I said in all seriousness.

'But... Ugh. I understand, papa. I still don't like it, though,' Sylvie sighed.

'Don't worry, my dear gecko. I'll keep an eye on our princess here. I'll make sure nothing happens to him.' Regis said mentally as he lay on the floor.

'Regis. If you call me a gecko one more time, I'm going to beat you senseless,' Sylvie said, glaring at Regis.

Regis just chuckled and shrugged. I finished fastening my boot before I carefully sat up from the bed. I picked up my Lance uniform shirt lying on the bed and put it on.

I looked back over to Tess, who was still asleep in bed. The corners of my lips raised to form a small smile before I quietly walked to Tess' side of the bed. I leaned down and carefully placed a light-loving kiss on the top of her head, making sure not to wake her. Tess stirred a little as she nuzzled her head on her pillow.

"Hmmmmm. Yes, Art, right there," Tess moaned out in her sleep.

A smirk formed on my face as Regis burst into laughter mentally, 'Even in her sleep, she can't get enough of you.'

'Shut up, Regis,' Sylvie and I said simultaneously.

Regis mentally sulked, 'Everyone always bullies the majestic weapon.'

I stood up straight as I continued to look down at Tess. I smiled, admiring how beautiful she looked. Part of me didn't want to leave; I just wanted to lay back in bed and hold her close.

'Don't worry, papa. I'll keep her safe. I'll keep all of them safe.' Sylvie said mentally in a voice of conviction.

'I know you will, Sylv.' I said mentally before I looked at Regis.

Regis gave me a nod before he stood up. We both walked towards the tent entrance before I stopped and pulled Sylvie into a hug. I felt her hug me tightly and shake a little bit. I could feel her emotions leaking through our bond, and I knew she was worried about me.

I leaned down and placed a fatherly kiss on top of Sylvie's head. I brushed my hands through her hair, calming her down. I could feel Sylvie's emotions change as her happy emotions leaked through her bond.

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