Chapter 6

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Sylvia POV

Amazing. I never would have thought a four year old boy would be able to accomplish such things.

Over these past four months I have been helping this remarkable child with his training. Showing him how to manipulate each element specifically, helping him grow stronger in each affinity.

Although, I could tell he was more proficient with his fire and water attributes, then his wind and earth. He was able to unlock the lighting and ice deviants last month.

Now I'm training him on his earth magic. Perhaps I can help him unlock gravity? Only time will tell. Time, I don't have.

I can feel my injury weighing me down, making me tired all the time. But I can't rest, I need to help this child get stronger.

Now I have him using his earth magic to create an obstacle course. He would erect Pilar's of earth, and hurdles, with the intention on helping him with evasion and moving quickly.

I watched him with interest as he jumped over each hurdle, as he would propel himself from pillar to pillar augmenting himself and using wind magic to give him a boost.

His control over the elements always seemed to surprise me. I'm just glad I'm able to help him with the time I have left.

The child has been doing well mentally over these past four months. Coming to terms with his parents deaths, and wanting to become stronger for them. When his birthday past last month, it was the most depressed he's been, since he missed his family.

I tried to make it better by consoling with him. But he just needed time alone that day.

I looked back to the child and watched as he erected a stone pillar. He conjured a wind blade in his right hand, and a ice blade in his left. He covered the wind blade in fire mana, and covering the ice blade in lightning.

I smirked as I saw how he was slowly but surely becoming a strong mage. I knew he had a good heart, and would use his abilities to help others.

I just hope he doesn't consume himself with the idea of sacrificing himself for others, and always getting himself hurt. The last thing I would want is for him to be a masochist.

What am I saying, it's not like he would voluntarily bathe in lava or anything, who could be that dumb.

I watched as the child conjured more pillars, and would use his blades coated with mana, and slice down the pillars. After he sliced down the last pillar, he dispelled the blades.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

"Well done child, you are certainly improving. I'm happy at how far you have come. I am impressed by your sword creation, and how you coated them in mana. Well done."

"Thanks Sylvia! I came up with it and thought it was really cool. A family friend named Jasmine showed me some of her dagger skills. I'm thinking of calling them...... the twin blades!!!!" Arthur said as he gets into a fight stance with a look of accomplishment.

I looked at the child, and just had one thought. Please let your wife name your kids.....

"T-that's great! Why don't you sit down and rest, absorb some mana and replenish yourself." I suggested.

Arthur looked at Sylvia and did as she requested. He sat down leaning against the wall as he started to meditate to absorb the mana.

I watched the boy as he absorbed the mana refilling his core. The rate at which he absorbed mana was frightening, even with a depleted core, he could have a light silver core refilled in ten minutes or less.

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