Chapter 13

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Virion Eralith POV

When we received word that the royal portal had been activated, we all ran as fast as we could. My son and daughter in law were in tears nearly tripping over each other.

When we reached the portal and saw the guards with Tessia I was overjoyed. My granddaughter was home safe. But what surprised me, was this human brat who was standing behind her. He looked to be no older then Tessia.

Auburn hair with golden highlights, azure eyes with gold mixed in. But what won my curiosity, was the presence he emitted. The power I could feel coming from him was astonishing. I looked into his core and was shocked to see he was dark orange.

Not only this, the mana flowing into him was alarming. It was as if with every breath he took, mana was being absorbed into him and purifying his core. Who, what exactly is this brat. There was something about him, something about his core. I looked closer and could feel a presence.

A beast will? At his age? But how? I need to know who this brat is, he had my interest before. But now, he has my undivided attention.

As my son broke the hug with Tessia, he commanded the human brat to come with us. I expected him to follow, but I was surprised yet again to see Tessia run up to the brat and grab his hand. She started to walk with us while holding hands with this brat.

But the surprises didn't stop, I then saw my granddaughters face, I saw something I haven't seen in a long time. Something I thought had been lost, her happy smile. Seeing that smile brought a warm feeling to my heart. So..... he's the one huh Tessia? I thought with a grin.

We made our way to the dinning room and were all seated at the dinning table with the brat on the opposite side of us.

My son was the first to break the silence. "Child, what did you say your name was?"

"Um, Arthur, Arthur Leywin." The brat now known as Arthur said.

"You shall address him as his majesty!" I heard a guard yell behind us. I quickly turned my head to look at the guards giving them a look of warning. The guards stiffened at my glare. My son noticed my look and had a look of surprise.

"Hello Arthur, I am king Alduin Eralith, this is my wife Queen Merial Eralith, and my father and former king of Elenoir, elder Virion Eralith." Alduin responded.

The brat nodded his head nervously saying, "it's nice to meet you, your majesty." I saw Alduin nod his head at the brats response, and Tessia gave the brat a shy smile.

"So, why don't you tell us what happened. Why don't you start with how you ended up being in the forest of Elshire."

The brat looked down as if he was remembering something, and by the look on his face, it wasn't pleasant. The brat looked at us and he began telling us his story.

"My family, friends, and I were on our way to Xyrus to find me a teacher. While we were on our trip, we were attacked by what my friend Helen called bandits. Everyone got into a big fight while they were trying to protect me and my mom. My dad....... he... he died while fighting the one he called the leader."

I heard Merial give a slight gasp and cover her mouth, while Alduin looked at the brat with some pity. "My friends were able to make an opening for my mom and I to get away. But.... She was killed as well." At this point I saw tears start to fall from the brats face. To my surprise, Tessia got up from her chair and walked over to the brat and gave him a hug.

One of the guards started to follow Tessia, but I gestured for him to stop. The brat smiled at Tessia's actions, and leaned his head on her shoulders while taking a deep breath. Her mere presence seemed to calm him, as if he felt safe with her. I saw Alduin's eyes narrow at this, while Merial had a surprised look on her face, while I saw the corners of her mouth turn into a smirk.

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